Shumei Chen
Cited by
Cited by
Three-dimensional optical holography using a plasmonic metasurface
L Huang, X Chen, H Mühlenbernd, H Zhang, S Chen, B Bai, Q Tan, G Jin, ...
Nature communications 4 (1), 2808, 2013
Helicity multiplexed broadband metasurface holograms
D Wen, F Yue, G Li, G Zheng, K Chan, S Chen, M Chen, KF Li, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 8241, 2015
Continuous control of the nonlinearity phase for harmonic generations
G Li, S Chen, N Pholchai, B Reineke, PWH Wong, EYB Pun, KW Cheah, ...
Nature materials 14 (6), 607-612, 2015
Spin-enabled plasmonic metasurfaces for manipulating orbital angular momentum of light
G Li, M Kang, S Chen, S Zhang, EYB Pun, KW Cheah, J Li
Nano letters 13 (9), 4148-4151, 2013
Symmetry-selective third-harmonic generation from plasmonic metacrystals
S Chen, G Li, F Zeuner, WH Wong, EYB Pun, T Zentgraf, KW Cheah, ...
Physical review letters 113 (3), 033901, 2014
Nonlinear metasurface for simultaneous control of spin and orbital angular momentum in second harmonic generation
G Li, L Wu, KF Li, S Chen, C Schlickriede, Z Xu, S Huang, W Li, Y Liu, ...
Nano letters 17 (12), 7974-7979, 2017
Geometric metasurface fork gratings for vortex‐beam generation and manipulation
S Chen, Y Cai, G Li, S Zhang, KW Cheah
Laser & Photonics Reviews 10 (2), 322-326, 2016
Metasurface device with helicity‐dependent functionality
D Wen, S Chen, F Yue, K Chan, M Chen, M Ardron, KF Li, PWH Wong, ...
Advanced Optical Materials 4 (2), 321-327, 2016
Giant nonlinear optical activity of achiral origin in planar metasurfaces with quadratic and cubic nonlinearities
S Chen, F Zeuner, M Weismann, B Reinike, G Li, VK Valev, KW Cheah, ...
Advanced Materials 28 (15), 2992-2999, 2016
Giant enhancement of second-order nonlinearity of epsilon-near-zero medium by a plasmonic metasurface
J Deng, Y Tang, S Chen, K Li, AV Zayats, G Li
Nano Letters 20 (7), 5421-5427, 2020
Metalens for generating a customized vectorial focal curve
R Wang, Y Intaravanne, S Li, J Han, S Chen, J Liu, S Zhang, L Li, X Chen
Nano Letters 21 (5), 2081-2087, 2021
Strong nonlinear optical activity induced by lattice surface modes on plasmonic metasurface
S Chen, B Reineke, G Li, T Zentgraf, S Zhang
Nano letters 19 (9), 6278-6283, 2019
Third harmonic generation enhanced by multipolar interference in complementary silicon metasurfaces
S Chen, M Rahmani, KF Li, A Miroshnichenko, T Zentgraf, G Li, D Neshev, ...
Acs Photonics 5 (5), 1671-1675, 2018
Linear and nonlinear Fano resonance on two-dimensional magnetic metamaterials
H Liu, GX Li, KF Li, SM Chen, SN Zhu, CT Chan, KW Cheah
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (23), 235437, 2011
Gigantic electric-field-induced second harmonic generation from an organic conjugated polymer enhanced by a band-edge effect
S Chen, KF Li, G Li, KW Cheah, S Zhang
Light: Science & Applications 8 (1), 17, 2019
Controlling the phase of optical nonlinearity with plasmonic metasurfaces
S Chen, G Li, KW Cheah, T Zentgraf, S Zhang
Nanophotonics 7 (6), 1013-1024, 2018
Spin and Geometric Phase Control Four‐Wave Mixing from Metasurfaces
G Li, G Sartorello, S Chen, LH Nicholls, KF Li, T Zentgraf, S Zhang, ...
Laser & Photonics Reviews 12 (6), 1800034, 2018
Highly flexible near-infrared metamaterials
GX Li, SM Chen, WH Wong, EYB Pun, KW Cheah
Optics express 20 (1), 397-402, 2011
High-order nonlinear spin–orbit interaction on plasmonic metasurfaces
S Chen, K Li, J Deng, G Li, S Zhang
Nano Letters 20 (12), 8549-8555, 2020
Efficient energy exchange between plasmon and cavity modes via Rabi-analogue splitting in a hybrid plasmonic nanocavity
S Chen, G Li, D Lei, KW Cheah
Nanoscale 5 (19), 9129-9133, 2013
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Articles 1–20