Candy Rowe
Cited by
Cited by
Receiver psychology and the evolution of multicomponent signals
C Rowe
Animal behaviour 58 (5), 921-931, 1999
A critique of comparative studies of brain size
SD Healy, C Rowe
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 274 (1609), 453-464, 2007
Measuring variation in cognition
C Rowe, SD Healy
Behavioral Ecology 25 (6), 1287-1292, 2014
Hidden colour aversions in domestic chicks triggered by pyrazine odours of insect warning displays
C Rowe, T Guilford
Nature 383 (6600), 520-522, 1996
The evolution of multimodal warning displays
C Rowe, T Guilford
Evolutionary Ecology 13, 655-671, 1999
Learning about aposematic prey
J Skelhorn, CG Halpin, C Rowe
Behavioral Ecology 27 (4), 955-964, 2016
Biases in signal evolution: learning makes a difference
C Ten Cate, C Rowe
Trends in ecology & evolution 22 (7), 380-387, 2007
State-dependent decision making: educated predators strategically trade off the costs and benefits of consuming aposematic prey
CA Barnett, M Bateson, C Rowe
Behavioral Ecology 18 (4), 645-651, 2007
Why are warning displays multimodal?
C Rowe, C Halpin
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 67, 1425-1439, 2013
Seeing red? Putting sportswear in context
C Rowe, JM Harris, SC Roberts
Nature 437 (7063), E10-E10, 2005
Predators' toxin burdens influence their strategic decisions to eat toxic prey
J Skelhorn, C Rowe
Current Biology 17 (17), 1479-1483, 2007
Avian predators taste–reject aposematic prey on the basis of their chemical defence
J Skelhorn, C Rowe
Biology Letters 2 (3), 348-350, 2006
Novelty effects in a multimodal warning signal
C Rowe, TIM Guilford
Animal behaviour 57 (2), 341-346, 1999
Pyrazine odour makes visually conspicuous prey aversive
L Lindström, C Rowe, T Guilford
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2001
Sound improves visual discrimination learning in avian predators
C Rowe
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2002
Considerations on the use of video playbacks as visual stimuli: the Lisbon workshop consensus
RF Oliveira, GG Rosenthal, I Schlupp, PK McGregor, IC Cuthill, JA Endler, ...
Acta ethologica 3, 61-65, 2000
Handling method alters the hedonic value of reward in laboratory mice
JM Clarkson, DM Dwyer, PA Flecknell, MC Leach, C Rowe
Scientific reports 8 (1), 2448, 2018
The importance of pattern similarity between Müllerian mimics in predator avoidance learning
C Rowe, L Lindström, A Lyytinen
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2004
Cognition and the evolution of camouflage
J Skelhorn, C Rowe
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 283 (1825), 20152890, 2016
Educated predators make strategic decisions to eat defended prey according to their toxin content
CA Barnett, J Skelhorn, M Bateson, C Rowe
Behavioral Ecology 23 (2), 418-424, 2012
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Articles 1–20