Rick T. Wilson
Cited by
Cited by
Creativity and memory effects: Recall, recognition, and an exploration of nontraditional media
DW Baack, RT Wilson, BD Till
Journal of advertising 37 (4), 85-94, 2008
Breaking through the cultural clutter: A comparative assessment of multiple cultural and institutional frameworks
P Magnusson, RT Wilson, S Zdravkovic, J Xin Zhou, SA Westjohn
International Marketing Review 25 (2), 183-201, 2008
Advertising to businesses: Does creativity matter?
DW Baack, RT Wilson, MM Van Dessel, CH Patti
Industrial Marketing Management 55, 169-177, 2016
Creativity, attention and the memory for brands: an outdoor advertising field study
RT Wilson, DW Baack, BD Till
International Journal of Advertising 34 (2), 232-261, 2015
Product placements in movies and on Broadway: A field study
RT Wilson, BD Till
International Journal of Advertising 30 (3), 373-398, 2011
Effects of outdoor advertising: Does location matter?
RT Wilson, BD Till
Psychology & Marketing 28 (9), 909-933, 2011
Airport advertising effectiveness: An exploratory field study
RT Wilson, BD Till
Journal of Advertising 37 (1), 59-72, 2008
Attracting foreign direct investment: Applying Dunning's location advantages framework to FDI advertising
RT Wilson, DW Baack
Journal of International Marketing 20 (2), 96-115, 2012
The role of location and visual saliency in capturing attention to outdoor advertising: How location attributes increase the likelihood for a driver to notice a billboard ad
RT Wilson, J Casper
Journal of Advertising Research 56 (3), 259-273, 2016
Acculturation and discrimination in the global market place: the case of Hispanics in the US
RT Wilson
Journal of International Consumer Marketing 20 (1), 67-78, 2007
Resource endowments, market positioning, and competition in transitional economies: Global and local advertising agencies in Hungary
RT Wilson, LS Amine
International Marketing Review 26 (1), 62-89, 2009
Foreign direct investment promotion: using advertising to change attitudes and behaviors
RT Wilson, DW Baack, D Baack
The Marketing Management Journal 24 (2), 108-123, 2014
Direct-to-consumer pharmaceutical advertising: Building and testing a model for advertising effectiveness
RT Wilson, BD Till
Journal of Advertising Research 47 (3), 270-282, 2007
Transforming history into heritage: applying corporate heritage to the marketing of places
RT Wilson
Journal of Brand Management 25, 351-369, 2018
Slogans and logos as brand signals within investment promotion
RT Wilson
Journal of Place Management and Development 14 (2), 163-179, 2021
Advertising to the masses: The effects of crowding on the attention to place-based advertising
RT Wilson, T Suh
International Journal of Advertising 37 (3), 402-420, 2018
Using transit advertising to improve public engagement with social issues
RT Wilson, JH Lohmeier, DS Lustick, RF Chen
International Journal of Advertising 40 (5), 783-809, 2021
Recall of preshow cinema advertising: A message processing perspective
RT Wilson, BD Till
Journal of Marketing Communications 19 (1), 1-21, 2013
Out-of-Home advertising: A systematic review and research agenda
RT Wilson
Journal of Advertising 52 (2), 279-299, 2023
Gender difference in visual attention to digital content of place-based advertising: a data-driven scientific approach
T Suh, RT Wilson, S On
Electronic Commerce Research 23 (2), 877-897, 2023
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Articles 1–20