Michael Beverland
Michael Beverland
Professor of Marketing, University of Sussex
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The quest for authenticity in consumption: Consumers’ purposive choice of authentic cues to shape experienced outcomes
MB Beverland, FJ Farrelly
Journal of consumer research 36 (5), 838-856, 2010
Crafting brand authenticity: The case of luxury wines
MB Beverland
Journal of management studies 42 (5), 1003-1029, 2005
Measuring consumer-based brand authenticity
J Napoli, SJ Dickinson, MB Beverland, F Farrelly
Journal of business research 67 (6), 1090-1098, 2014
The ‘real thing’: Branding authenticity in the luxury wine trade
M Beverland
Journal of business research 59 (2), 251-258, 2006
Doing design thinking: Conceptual review, synthesis, and research agenda
P Micheli, SJS Wilner, SH Bhatti, M Mura, MB Beverland
Journal of Product innovation management 36 (2), 124-148, 2019
Projecting authenticity through advertising: Consumer judgments of advertisers' claims
MB Beverland, A Lindgreen, MW Vink
Journal of advertising 37 (1), 5-15, 2008
Why pass on viral messages? Because they connect emotionally
A Dobele, A Lindgreen, M Beverland, J Vanhamme, R Van Wijk
Business Horizons 50 (4), 291-304, 2007
Controlled infection! Spreading the brand message through viral marketing
A Dobele, D Toleman, M Beverland
Business horizons 48 (2), 143-149, 2005
What makes a good case study? A positivist review of qualitative case research published in Industrial Marketing Management, 1971–2006
M Beverland, A Lindgreen
Industrial Marketing Management 39 (1), 56-63, 2010
Building brand authenticity: 7 habits of iconic brands
M Beverland
Springer, 2009
Uncovering “theories‐in‐use”: Building luxury wine brands
M Beverland
European journal of marketing 38 (3/4), 446-466, 2004
Reconciling the tension between consistency and relevance: Design thinking as a mechanism for brand ambidexterity
MB Beverland, SJS Wilner, P Micheli
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 43, 589-609, 2015
Brand management and the challenge of authenticity
M Beverland
Journal of Product & Brand Management 14 (7), 460-461, 2005
In-store music and consumer–brand relationships: Relational transformation following experiences of (mis) fit
M Beverland, EAC Lim, M Morrison, M Terziovski
Journal of Business Research 59 (9), 982-989, 2006
Managing integrated marketing communication (IMC) through strategic decoupling: How luxury wine firms retain brand leadership while appearing to be wedded to the past
M Beverland, S Luxton
Journal of Advertising 34 (4), 103-116, 2005
Managing the Design Innovation–Brand Marketing Interface: Resolving the Tension between Artistic Creation and Commercial Imperatives*
MB Beverland
Journal of Product Innovation Management 22 (2), 193-207, 2005
Industrial global brand leadership: A capabilities view
M Beverland, J Napoli, A Lindgreen
Industrial marketing management 36 (8), 1082-1093, 2007
Using design thinking to respond to crises: B2B lessons from the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic
P Cankurtaran, MB Beverland
Industrial marketing management 88, 255-260, 2020
Using country of origin in strategy: The importance of context and strategic action
M Beverland, A Lindgreen
Journal of Brand Management 10, 147-167, 2002
Understanding retail experiences-the case for ethnography
MJ Healy, MB Beverland, H Oppewal, S Sands
International Journal of Market Research 49 (6), 751-778, 2007
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Articles 1–20