Ali Mashuri
Cited by
Cited by
The effect of intergroup threat and social identity salience on the belief in conspiracy theories over terrorism in Indonesia: Collective angst as a mediator
A Mashuri, E Zaduqisti
International Journal of Psychological Research 8 (1), 24-35, 2015
The role of social identification, intergroup threat, and out-group derogation in explaining belief in conspiracy theory about terrorism in Indonesia
A Mashuri, E Zaduqisti
International Journal of Research Studies in Psychology 3 (1), 35-50, 2014
Social mindfulness and prosociality vary across the globe
NJ Van Doesum, RO Murphy, M Gallucci, E Aharonov-Majar, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (35), e2023846118, 2021
The role of identity subversion in structuring the effects of intergroup threats and negative emotions on belief in anti-west conspiracy theories in Indonesia
A Mashuri, E Zaduqisti, F Sukmawati, H Sakdiah, N Suharini
Psychology and Developing Societies 28 (1), 1-28, 2016
We believe in your conspiracy if we distrust you: The role of intergroup distrust in structuring the effect of Islamic identification, competitive victimhood, and group …
A Mashuri, E Zaduqisti
Journal of Tropical Psychology 4, e11, 2014
On being moderate and peaceful: Why Islamic political moderateness promotes outgroup tolerance and reconciliation
E Zaduqisti, A Mashuri, A Zuhri, TA Haryati, M Ula
Archive for the Psychology of Religion 42 (3), 359-378, 2020
Intergroup helping in response to separatism
E van Leeuwen, A Mashuri
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 39 (12), 1647-1655, 2013
The psychological antecedents of resistance to humanitarian aid
A Mashuri, E van Leeuwen, E Zaduqisti, F Sukmawati, H Sakdiah, ...
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 25 (1), 280-297, 2022
The effect of out-group status and perspective-taking on empathy and out-group helping
A Mashuri, N Hasanah, I Rahmawati
International Journal of Research Studies in Psychology 2 (2), 3-14, 2013
National identification and collective emotions as predictors of pro-social attitudes toward Islamic minority groups in Indonesia
A Mashuri, E Zaduqisti
Europe’s Journal of Psychology 10 (2), 255–276-255–276, 2014
When common identities reduce between-group helping
E Leeuwen, A Mashuri
Social Psychological and Personality Science 3 (3), 259-265, 2012
Negative evaluations of national ethics and its impact on Islamic radicalism
U Ludigdo, A Mashuri
SAGE Open 11 (3), 21582440211041099, 2021
Explaining Muslims’ aggressive tendencies towards the West: The role of negative stereotypes, anger, perceived conflict and Islamic fundamentalism
A Mashuri, E Zaduqisti
Psychology and Developing Societies 31 (1), 56-87, 2019
Predicting support for reconciliation in separatist conflict
A Mashuri, E van Leeuwen
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 44 (2), 173-185, 2018
You are the real terrorist and we are just your puppet: Using individual and group factors to explain indonesian muslims’ attributions of causes of terrorism
A Mashuri, LA Akhrani, E Zaduqisti
Europe's journal of psychology 12 (1), 68, 2016
The socio-psychological predictors of support for post-truth collective action
A Mashuri, IE Putra, C Kavanagh, E Zaduqisti, F Sukmawati, H Sakdiah, ...
The Journal of Social Psychology 162 (4), 504-522, 2022
How morality threat promotes reconciliation in separatist conflict: A majority group perspective
A Mashuri, E van Leeuwen, F Hanurawan
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 21 (6), 913-930, 2018
When agony begets zealotry: The differential role of globalization threats in mediating the effect of competitive victimhood on Muslims’ religious fundamentalism
A Mashuri, E Zaduqisti, H Sakdiah, F Sukmawati
Archive for the Psychology of Religion 37 (2), 200-226, 2015
Demonising the victim: Seeking the answer for how a group as the violent victim is blamed
IE Putra, A Mashuri, E Zaduqisti
Psychology and Developing Societies 27 (1), 31-57, 2015
The impact of multiculturalism on immigrant helping
A Mashuri, OK Burhan, E van Leeuwen
Asian Journal of Social Psychology 16 (3), 207-212, 2013
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Articles 1–20