Mark Kaminski
Cited by
Cited by
Spartacus: A tableau prover for hybrid logic
D Götzmann, M Kaminski, G Smolka
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 262, 127-139, 2010
PAGOdA: Pay-As-You-Go Ontology Query Answering Using a Datalog Reasoner
Y Zhou, BC Grau, Y Nenov, M Kaminski, I Horrocks
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR) 54, 309-367, 2015
Module Extraction in Expressive Ontology Languages via Datalog Reasoning
A Armas Romero, M Kaminski, B Cuenca Grau, I Horrocks
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR) 55, 499-564, 2016
Reasoning over Streaming Data in Metric Temporal Datalog
PA Wałęga, M Kaminski, B Cuenca Grau
AAAI 2019, 3092-3099, 2019
Stream Reasoning in Temporal Datalog
A Ronca, M Kaminski, B Cuenca Grau, B Motik, I Horrocks
AAAI 2018, 1941-1948, 2018
DatalogMTL: Computational Complexity and Expressive Power
P Walega, B Cuenca Grau, M Kaminski, E Kostylev
IJCAI 2019, 2019
Terminating tableau systems for hybrid logic with difference and converse
M Kaminski, G Smolka
Journal of Logic, Language and Information 18 (4), 437-464, 2009
InKreSAT: Modal Reasoning via Incremental Reduction to SAT
M Kaminski, T Tebbi
CADE-24, 436-442, 2013
Beyond Well-Designed SPARQL
M Kaminski, EV Kostylev
ICDT 2016, 2016
Query Nesting, Assignment, and Aggregation in SPARQL 1.1
M Kaminski, EV Kostylev, B Cuenca Grau
ACM Transactions on Database Systems (TODS) 42 (3:17), 2017
Datalog rewritability of Disjunctive Datalog programs and non-Horn ontologies
M Kaminski, Y Nenov, B Cuenca Grau
Artificial Intelligence 236, 90-118, 2016
Datalog Rewritability of Disjunctive Datalog Programs and its Applications to Ontology Reasoning
M Kaminski, Y Nenov, B Cuenca Grau
AAAI 2014, 1077-1083, 2014
Semantics and Expressive Power of Subqueries and Aggregates in SPARQL 1.1
M Kaminski, E Kostylev, B Cuenca Grau
WWW 2016, 2016
DatalogMTL over the Integer Timeline
PA Walega, B Cuenca Grau, M Kaminski, EV Kostylev
KR 2020, 526-541, 2020
Tractable fragments of datalog with metric temporal operators
PA Walega, B Cuenca Grau, M Kaminski, EV Kostylev
IJCAI 2020, 1919-1925, 2020
Foundations of Ontology-Based Data Access under Bag Semantics
C Nikolaou, EV Kostylev, G Konstantinidis, M Kaminski, B Cuenca Grau, ...
Artificial Intelligence 274, 91-132, 2019
Terminating tableaux for graded hybrid logic with global modalities and role hierarchies
M Kaminski, S Schneider, G Smolka
Logical Methods in Computer Science 7 (1:5), 2011
Hybrid tableaux for the difference modality
M Kaminski, G Smolka
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 231, 241-257, 2009
The Bag Semantics of Ontology-Based Data Access
C Nikolaou, EV Kostylev, G Konstantinidis, M Kaminski, B Cuenca Grau, ...
IJCAI 2017, 1224-1230, 2017
Foundations of Declarative Data Analysis Using Limit Datalog Programs
M Kaminski, B Cuenca Grau, EV Kostylev, B Motik, I Horrocks
IJCAI 2017, 1123-1130, 2017
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Articles 1–20