Vivek Vaidya
Vivek Vaidya
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Cited by
Understanding the mechanisms of deep transfer learning for medical images
H Ravishankar, P Sudhakar, R Venkataramani, S Thiruvenkadam, ...
Deep Learning and Data Labeling for Medical Applications: First …, 2016
Lung nodule detection in CT using 3D convolutional neural networks
X Huang, J Shan, V Vaidya
2017 IEEE 14th international symposium on biomedical imaging (ISBI 2017 …, 2017
Learning and incorporating shape models for semantic segmentation
H Ravishankar, R Venkataramani, S Thiruvenkadam, P Sudhakar, ...
International conference on medical image computing and computer-assisted …, 2017
Systems and methods for interactive magnetic resonance imaging
RD Darrow, VP Vaidya
US Patent App. 13/913,846, 2014
Hybrid approach for automatic segmentation of fetal abdomen from ultrasound images using deep learning
H Ravishankar, SM Prabhu, V Vaidya, N Singhal
2016 IEEE 13th international symposium on biomedical imaging (ISBI), 779-782, 2016
Deep Learning and Data Labeling for Medical Applications
H Ravishankar, P Sudhakar, R Venkataramani, S Thiruvenkadam, ...
Cham: Springer, 188-196, 2016
Assessment of computational visual attention models on medical images
V Jampani, Ujjwal, J Sivaswamy, V Vaidya
Proceedings of the Eighth Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and …, 2012
Re-visiting the One-Time Pad
N Nagaraj, V Vaidya, PG Vaidya
arXiv preprint cs/0508079, 2005
Joint deep learning of foreground, background and shape for robust contextual segmentation
H Ravishankar, S Thiruvenkadam, R Venkataramani, V Vaidya
International Conference on Information Processing in Medical Imaging, 622-632, 2017
Improved mass detection in 3D automated breast ultrasound using region based features and multi-view information
C Ye, V Vaidya, F Zhao
2014 36th Annual international conference of the IEEE engineering in …, 2014
System and method for mr image scan and analysis
RD Darrow, TKF Foo, R Mullick, VP Vaidya
US Patent App. 12/713,924, 2011
System and method for efficient transmission of patient data
VP Vaidya, HM Patel
US Patent 10,445,465, 2019
Systems and methods for landmark correction in magnetic resonance imaging
RD Darrow, T Foo, M Fung, VP Vaidya, X Tao
US Patent 8,885,904, 2014
Method and system for lesion detection in ultrasound images
R Mullick, VP Vaidya, F Zhao, X Li, V Kamath, K Cao, S Biswas
US Patent 9,277,902, 2016
System and method for automatic computation of mr imaging scan parameters
VP Vaidya, X Tao, RD Darrow, R Mullick, MMK Fung, TKF Foo, K Suzuki, ...
US Patent App. 12/726,509, 2011
Systems and methods for imaging workflow
TKF Foo, RD Darrow, K Suzuki, SN Gupta, R Mullick, V Vaidya, X Tao, ...
US Patent App. 13/253,853, 2013
Method and system for lesion detection in ultrasound images
R Mullick, PKV Annangi, X Li, VP Kamath, F Zhao, VP Vaidya, S Biswas
US Patent 10,238,368, 2019
Methods and systems for user defined distributed learning models for medical imaging
H Ravishankar, V Vaidya, CF Perrey
US Patent App. 15/828,936, 2018
System and method for automated landmarking
VP Vaidya, RD Darrow, X Tao
US Patent App. 13/690,815, 2014
Machine learning imputation of Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status (ECOG PS) scores from data in CancerLinQ discovery.
S Agrawal, B Narayanan, P Chandrashekaraiah, S Nandi, V Vaidya, ...
Journal of Clinical Oncology 38 (15_suppl), e19318-e19318, 2020
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Articles 1–20