Ana Nuno
Cited by
Cited by
How to ask sensitive questions in conservation: A review of specialized questioning techniques
A Nuno, FAV St John
Biological Conservation 189, 5-15, 2015
A global review of marine turtle entanglement in anthropogenic debris: a baseline for further action
EM Duncan, ZLR Botterell, AC Broderick, TS Galloway, PK Lindeque, ...
Endangered Species Research 34, 431-448, 2017
A Novel Approach to Assessing the Prevalence and Drivers of Illegal Bushmeat Hunting in the Serengeti
A Nuno, N Bunnefeld, LC Naiman, EJ Milner-Gulland
Conservation Biology 27 (6), 1355-1365, 2013
Achieving the promise of integration in social-ecological research
AM Guerrero, NJ Bennett, KA Wilson, N Carter, D Gill, M Mills, CD Ives, ...
Ecology and Society 23 (3), 2018
Being smart about SMART environmental targets
SL Maxwell, EJ Milner-Gulland, JPG Jones, AT Knight, N Bunnefeld, ...
Science 347 (6226), 1075-1076, 2015
Trends in legal and illegal trade of wild birds: A global assessment based on expert knowledge
J Ribeiro, L Reino, S Schindler, D Strubbe, M Vall-llosera, MB Araújo, ...
Biodiversity and conservation 28, 3343-3369, 2019
Considering connections between Hollywood and biodiversity conservation
MJ Silk, SL Crowley, AJ Woodhead, A Nuno
Conservation Biology 32 (3), 597-606, 2018
Asking sensitive questions using the unmatched count technique: Applications and guidelines for conservation
A Hinsley, A Keane, FAV St. John, H Ibbett, A Nuno
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 10 (3), 308-319, 2019
Managing social–ecological systems under uncertainty: implementation in the real world
A Nuno, N Bunnefeld, EJ Milner-Gulland
Ecology and Society 19 (2), 52, 2014
A review of a decade of lessons from one of the world’s largest MPAs: conservation gains and key challenges
GC Hays, HJ Koldewey, S Andrzejaczek, MJ Attrill, S Barley, DTI Bayley, ...
Marine Biology 167, 1-22, 2020
Estimating the extent of CITES noncompliance among traders and end‐consumers; lessons from the global orchid trade
A Hinsley, A Nuno, M Ridout, FAVS John, DL Roberts
Conservation Letters 10 (5), 602-609, 2017
Not in wilderness: African vulture strongholds remain in areas with high human density
M Henriques, JP Granadeiro, H Monteiro, A Nuno, M Lecoq, P Cardoso, ...
PloS one, 2018
A scoping review of celebrity endorsement in environmental campaigns and evidence for its effectiveness
A Olmedo, EJ Milner‐Gulland, DWS Challender, L Cugnière, HTT Dao, ...
Conservation Science and Practice 2 (10), e261, 2020
Audience research as a cornerstone of demand management interventions for illegal wildlife products: Demarketing sea turtle meat and eggs
D Veríssimo, S Vieira, D Monteiro, J Hancock, A Nuno
Conservation Science and Practice 2 (3), e164, 2020
Research ethics: Assuring anonymity at the individual level may not be sufficient to protect research participants from harm
F St John, D Brockington, N Bunnefeld, R Duffy, K Homewood, JPG Jones, ...
Biological Conservation 196, 208-209, 2016
Understanding implications of consumer behavior for wildlife farming and sustainable wildlife trade
A Nuno, JM Blumenthal, TJ Austin, J Bothwell, G Ebanks‐Petrie, ...
Conservation Biology 32 (2), 390-400, 2018
Investigating determinants of compliance with wildlife protection laws: bird persecution in Portugal
A Fairbrass, A Nuno, N Bunnefeld, EJ Milner-Gulland
European Journal of Wildlife Research 62, 93-101, 2016
A manifesto for predictive conservation
H Travers, M Selinske, A Nuno, A Serban, F Mancini, T Barychka, E Bush, ...
Biological Conservation 237, 12-18, 2019
New directions in management strategy evaluation through cross-fertilization between fisheries science and terrestrial conservation
EJ Milner-Gulland, B Arroyo, C Bellard, J Blanchard, N Bunnefeld, ...
Biology letters 6 (6), 719-722, 2010
Reflections on sea turtle conservation
BJ Godley, AC Broderick, LP Colman, A Formia, MH Godfrey, M Hamann, ...
Oryx 54 (3), 287-289, 2020
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Articles 1–20