Christian Helmers
Christian Helmers
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The choice between formal and informal intellectual property: a review
B Hall, C Helmers, M Rogers, V Sena
Journal of Economic Literature 52 (2), 375-423, 2014
Do spillovers matter when estimating private returns to R&D?
M Eberhardt, C Helmers, H Strauss
Review of Economics and Statistics 95 (2), 436-448, 2013
Innovation and the survival of new firms in the UK
C Helmers, M Rogers
Review of Industrial Organization 36, 227-248, 2010
Innovation and diffusion of clean/green technology: Can patent commons help?
BH Hall, C Helmers
Journal of environmental economics and management 66 (1), 33-51, 2013
Does patenting help high-tech start-ups?
C Helmers, M Rogers
Research Policy 40 (7), 1016-1027, 2011
The importance (or not) of patents to UK firms
BH Hall, C Helmers, M Rogers, V Sena
Oxford Economic Papers 65 (3), 603-629, 2013
Do board interlocks increase innovation? Evidence from a corporate governance reform in India
C Helmers, M Patnam, PR Rau
Journal of banking & finance 80, 51-70, 2017
The role of patent protection in (clean/green) technology transfer
BH Hall, C Helmers
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2010
Technology entry in the presence of patent thickets
BH Hall, G Graevenitz, C Helmers
Oxford Economic Papers 73 (2), 903-926, 2021
Untested assumptions and data slicing: A critical review of firm-level production function estimators
M Eberhardt, C Helmers
University of Oxford, 2010
Patent litigation in Europe
K Cremers, M Ernicke, F Gaessler, D Harhoff, C Helmers, L McDonagh, ...
European Journal of Law and Economics 44, 1-44, 2017
What can explain the Chinese patent explosion?
M Eberhardt, C Helmers, Z Yu
Oxford Economic Papers 69 (1), 239-262, 2016
The formation and evolution of childhood skill acquisition: Evidence from India
C Helmers, M Patnam
Journal of Development Economics 95 (2), 252-266, 2011
Is there a patent troll problem in the UK
C Helmers, B Love, L McDonagh
Fordham Intell. Prop. Media & Ent. LJ 24, 509, 2013
Invalid but infringed? An analysis of the bifurcated patent litigation system
K Cremers, F Gaessler, D Harhoff, C Helmers, Y Lefouili
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 131, 218-242, 2016
The impact of international patent systems: Evidence from accession to the European Patent Convention
BH Hall, C Helmers
Research Policy 48 (9), 103810, 2019
Assessing bilateral trade potential at the commodity level: An operational approach
C Helmers, JM Pasteels
International Trade Center, Working Paper, 2006
My precious! The location and diffusion of scientific research: evidence from the Synchrotron Diamond Light Source
C Helmers, HG Overman
The Economic Journal 127 (604), 2006-2040, 2017
Does the rotten child spoil his companion? Spatial peer effects among children in rural India
C Helmers, M Patnam
Quantitative Economics 5 (1), 67-121, 2014
The use and abuse of export subsidies: evidence from Colombia
C Helmers, N Trofimenko
The World Economy 36 (4), 465-486, 2013
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Articles 1–20