Amir Hossini
Amir Hossini
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Cited by
Inverse modeling for characterization of uncertainty in transport parameters under uncertainty of source geometry in heterogeneous aquifers
AH Hosseini, CV Deutsch, CA Mendoza, KW Biggar
Journal of Hydrology 405 (3-4), 402-416, 2011
Probabilistic modeling of natural attenuation of petroleum hydrocarbons
AH Hosseini
Probabilistic data integration for characterization of spatial distribution of residual LNAPL
AH Hosseini, CV Deutsch, KW Biggar, CA Mendoza
Stochastic environmental research and risk assessment 24, 735-749, 2010
Investigation of Post-Abandonment Surface Subsidence in Steam-Assisted-Gravity-Drainage Operations
A Hossini, V Mostafavi, D Bresee
SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, 2018
An integrated approach to permeability modeling using micro-models
AH Hosseini, O Leuangthong, CV Deutsch
SPE International Thermal Operations and Heavy Oil Symposium, SPE-117517-MS, 2008
A distance function based algorithm to quantify uncertainty in areal limits
AH Hosseini, CV Deutsch
Centre for Computational Geostatistics Annual Report 9, 2007
The Quest for innovative technology solutions for in-situ development of challenging oil sands reservoirs in Alberta
D Garner, A Lagisquet, A Hosseini, K Khademi, B Jablonski, R Strobl, ...
2014 World Heavy Oil Congress, WHOC14-139, 2014
Conceptual model and mathematical formulation of NAPL transport in unsaturated porous media
B Gatmiri, AH Hosseini
Geoenvironmental engineering: Integrated management of groundwater and …, 2004
SAGD Production Optimization Through Preferential Steam Allocation
R Aboorvanathan, A Hossini, C Dong, V Dehdari, J Feeney
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition?, D021S035R003, 2019
Characteristics of the EnKF for geostatistical problems
YV Zagayevskiy, AH Hosseini, CV Deutsch
Centre for Computational Geostatistics 12, 125-1, 2010
Non-Linearity and Stress-Dependency in Unconsolidated Formations and the Associated Impacts on Thermal Recovery: An Analytical Assessment
AH Hosseini
SPE Canada Heavy Oil Conference, SPE-174470-MS, 2015
Matrix, fractures, karst, bitumen: an integrated modeling approach to help solve the Grosmont puzzle of northern Alberta, Canada
E Piron, A Hosseini
CSPG/CSEG/CWLS GeoConvention 2010, 2010
Determination of Effective Permeability with Micro-Modeling of Digitized Core Images
AH Hosseini, O Leuangthong, CV Deutsch
Paper CCG 201 presented at the 10th Annual Centre for Computationalo …, 2008
Uncertainty in spatial distribution of residual NAPL and its downstream impacts
AH Hosseini, CV Deutsch, KW Biggar, CA Mendoza
61th Annual Canadian Geotechnical Conf. and 9th Joint CGS/IAH-CNC Conference …, 2008
Geostatistical Analysis of CPT-UVIF data for development of a Site Conceptual Model
AH Hosseini, KW Biggar, CV Deutsch, CA Mendoza
Proceedings of NGWA conference on Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Organic …, 2006
Improved In-Situ Stress Characterization Through Analysis of Diagnostic Fracture Injection Tests DFITs Using the Changing Compliance Method and its Impact on Caprock Integrity …
V Mostafavi, DD Cramer, AH Hossini
SPE Canada Heavy Oil Conference, D051S010R001, 2020
Constraining a heavy oil reservoir to temperature and time lapse seismic data using the EnKF
Y Zagayevskiy, AH Hosseini, CV Deutsch
Geostatistics Oslo 2012, 145-158, 2012
Conditional simulation of subseismic megakarstic features
A Hosseini, C Deutsch
Technical Report 12, Paper 210, Centre for Computational Geostatistics …, 2010
Stochastic inverse modeling in a mass transport problem
AH Hosseini, CV Deutsch
Center for Computational, 2009
Smart communication system at traffic intersections
A Hossini, HL Firesen, S Aghakhani, P Sidhu
US Patent US20230282105A1, 2023
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Articles 1–20