David Johnson
Cited by
Cited by
Amazon Mechanical Turk workers can provide consistent and economically meaningful data
D Johnson, JB Ryan
Southern Economic Journal 87 (1), 369-385, 2020
Sabotage versus discouragement: which dominates post promotion tournament behavior?
D Johnson, TC Salmon
Southern Economic Journal 82 (3), 673-696, 2016
Gun dealer density and its effect on homicide
DB Johnson, JJ Robinson
The Journal of Law and Economics 67 (1), 1-30, 2024
Water cooler ostracism: Social exclusion as a punishment mechanism
BJ Davis, DB Johnson
Eastern Economic Journal 41, 126-151, 2015
The interrogation game: Using coercion and rewards to elicit information from groups
DB Johnson, JB Ryan
Journal of Peace Research 52 (6), 822-837, 2015
Ambiguity in Performance Pay: An Online Experiment
D Johnson, D Cooper
Department of Economics, University of Calgary Working Papers, 2014
Decreasing campus smoking with punishments and social pressures
K Clemons, DB Johnson, A Kiger, J Putnam
Contemporary Economic Policy 36 (4), 629-643, 2018
Where are the Guns?
DB Johnson, JJ Robinson, D Semenza, A Thompson
Available at SSRN 4119613, 2022
Are online samples credible? Evidence from risk elicitation tests
J Gibson, D Johnson
Atlantic Economic Journal 47 (3), 377-379, 2019
Endowments, perceived similarity, and dictator giving
SJ Goerg, DB Johnson, JD Rogers
Economic Inquiry 55 (2), 1130-1144, 2017
(Please don't) say it to my face! The interaction of feedback and distance: Experiments with vulgar language
DB Johnson
Kyklos 69 (2), 336-368, 2016
How non-pharmaceutical interventions, politics, race, and economic conditions impacted the rate of new infections of COVID-19
DB Johnson, AS Thompson
Preprint at OSF https://osf. io/yx7zs, 2020
Why bother? understanding the impact of financial obligations on wage selectivity
J Gibson, D Johnson
Can interaction be the primary focus of in-group biases?
DB Johnson, RJ Oxoby
Global Economics and Management Review 20 (1), 1-5, 2015
Decision Making with Risky, Rival Outcomes: Theory and Evidence
DB Johnson, MD Webb
Carleton University, Department of Economics, 2016
Wage compression and manager inequality aversion
DB Johnson, A Ramalingam
Working Paper series, University of East Anglia, Centre for Behavioural and …, 2016
Guns, Law Enforcement, and Death in the United States of America
DB Johnson, T Roach
Available at SSRN 4850382, 2024
The Decline in Reported Stolen Firearms: Evidence of Underreporting After the 2016 Election
C Azevedo, A Bond, DB Johnson
Available at SSRN 4557974, 2023
First You Get the Money, Then You Get the Power: The Effect of Cheating on Altruism
DB Johnson, J Rogers
Games 14 (3), 40, 2023
Armed and Dangerous? The Effect of Concealed Carry Permitting on Gun-Related Injuries
DB Johnson, A Thompson, BC Vick
The Effect of Concealed Carry Permitting on Gun-Related Injuries (January 7 …, 2023
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Articles 1–20