Melissa J. Remis
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AJP 342 Western Lowland Gorillas ( Gorilla gorilla gorilla ) as Seasonal Frugivores: Use of Variable Resources
MJ Remis
American Journal of Primatology 43, 87-109, 1997
AJP 342 Western Lowland Gorillas ( Gorilla gorilla gorilla ) as Seasonal Frugivores: Use of Variable Resources
MJ Remis
American Journal of Primatology 43, 87-109, 1997
Western gorilla diet: a synthesis from six sites
ME Rogers, K Abernethy, M Bermejo, C Cipolletta, D Doran, K McFarland, ...
American Journal of Primatology: Official Journal of the American Society of …, 2004
Gut microbiome of coexisting BaAka pygmies and bantu reflects gradients of traditional subsistence patterns
A Gomez, KJ Petrzelkova, MB Burns, CJ Yeoman, KR Amato, K Vlckova, ...
Cell reports 14 (9), 2142-2153, 2016
Effects of body size and social context on the arboreal activities of lowland gorillas in the Central African Republic
M Remis
American Journal of Physical Anthropology 97 (4), 413-433, 1995
Nutritional aspects of western lowland gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) diet during seasons of fruit scarcity at Bai Hokou, Central African Republic
MJ Remis, ES Dierenfeld, CB Mowry, RW Carroll
International journal of Primatology 22, 807-836, 2001
Ranging and Grouping Patterns of a Western Lowland Gorilla Group at Bai Hokou, Central African Republic MELISSA
MJ Remis
American Journal of Primatology 43, 111-133, 1997
The gorilla paradox: the effects of body size and habitat on the positional behavior of lowland and mountain gorillas
MJ Remis
Primate locomotion: Recent advances, 95-106, 1998
Feeding ecology and positional behavior of western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) in the Central African Republic
MJ Remis
Yale University, 1994
Tree structure and sex differences in arboreality among western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) at Bai Hokou, Central African Republic
MJ Remis
Primates 40, 383-396, 1999
Food preferences among captive western gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) and chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)
MJ Remis
International Journal of Primatology 23, 231-249, 2002
Digesta passage, digestibility and behavior in captive gorillas under two dietary regimens
MJ Remis, ES Dierenfeld
International Journal of Primatology 25, 825-845, 2004
Ethnoprimatology: Critical interdisciplinarity and multispecies approaches in anthropology
N Malone, AH Wade, A Fuentes, EP Riley, M Remis, CJ Robinson
Critique of Anthropology 34 (1), 8-29, 2014
Nesting behavior of lowland gorillas in the Dzanga-Sangha Reserve, Central African Republic: Implications for population estimates and understandings of group dynamics.
MJ Remis
Tropics 2 (4), 245-255, 1993
Initial studies on the contributions of body size and gastrointestinal passage rates to dietary flexibility among gorillas
MJ Remis
American Journal of Physical Anthropology: The Official Publication of the …, 2000
Reductions in primate abundance and diversity in a multiuse protected area: synergistic impacts of hunting and logging in a Congo Basin forest
American Journal of Primatology 74 (7), 602-612, 2012
Preliminary assessment of the impacts of human activities on gorillas Gorilla gorilla gorilla and other wildlife at Dzanga-Sangha Reserve, Central African Republic
MJ Remis
Oryx 34 (1), 56-65, 2000
Transvalued species in an African forest
MJ Remis, R Hardin
Conservation Biology 23 (6), 1588-1596, 2009
Biological and cultural anthropology of a changing tropical forest: a fruitful collaboration across subfields
R Hardin, MJ Remis
American Anthropologist 108 (2), 273-285, 2006
Taste responses to fructose and tannic acid among gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla)
MJ Remis, ME Kerr
International Journal of Primatology 23, 251-261, 2002
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Articles 1–20