Rodrigo Neumann Barros Ferreira
Rodrigo Neumann Barros Ferreira
IBM Research
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New‐Generation Anion‐Pillared Metal–Organic Frameworks with Customized Cages for Highly Efficient CO2 Capture
Y Hu, Y Jiang, J Li, L Wang, M Steiner, RF Neumann, B Luan, Y Zhang
Advanced Functional Materials 33 (14), 2213915, 2023
High accuracy capillary network representation in digital rock reveals permeability scaling functions
RF Neumann, M Barsi-Andreeta, E Lucas-Oliveira, H Barbalho, ...
Scientific reports 11 (1), 11370, 2021
Quantum-centric supercomputing for materials science: A perspective on challenges and future directions
Y Alexeev, M Amsler, MA Barroca, S Bassini, T Battelle, D Camps, ...
Future Generation Computer Systems 160, 666-710, 2024
Screening Hoffman-type metal organic frameworks for efficient C2H2/CO2 separation
W Lou, J Li, W Sun, Y Hu, L Wang, RF Neumann, M Steiner, Z Gu, B Luan, ...
Chemical Engineering Journal 452, 139296, 2023
Quantum Informed Machine-Learning Potentials for Molecular Dynamics Simulations of CO2’s Chemisorption and Diffusion in Mg-MOF-74
B Zheng, FL Oliveira, R Neumann Barros Ferreira, M Steiner, H Hamann, ...
ACS nano 17 (6), 5579-5587, 2023
Magnetic properties of La0. 67Sr0. 33MnO3/BiFeO3 (001) heterojunctions: Chemically abrupt vs. atomic intermixed interface
RF Neumann, M Bahiana, N Binggeli
Europhysics Letters 100 (6), 67002, 2012
Sandstones: raw, filtered and segmented data
R Neumann, M Andreeta, E Lucas-Oliveira
Digital Rocks Portal, 11
Assembly of γ-Fe2O3/polyaniline nanofilms with tuned dipolar interaction
MAG Soler, LG Paterno, JP Sinnecker, JG Wen, E Sinnecker, ...
Journal of Nanoparticle Research 14, 1-10, 2012
CRAFTED: An exploratory database of simulated adsorption isotherms of metal-organic frameworks
FL Oliveira, C Cleeton, R Neumann Barros Ferreira, B Luan, ...
Scientific Data 10 (1), 230, 2023
Adsorption energy as a metric for wettability at the nanoscale
R Giro, PW Bryant, M Engel, RF Neumann, MB Steiner
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 46317, 2017
Domain wall control in wire-tube nanoelements
RF Neumann, M Bahiana, NM Vargas, D Altbir, S Allende, D Görlitz, ...
Applied Physics Letters 102 (20), 2013
Morphology and magnetism of multifunctional nanostructured γ-Fe2O3 films: Simulation and experiments
RF Neumann, M Bahiana, LG Paterno, MAG Soler, JP Sinnecker, JG Wen, ...
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 347, 26-32, 2013
Capillary network simulations based on a low-dimensional representation of porous media
PW Bryant, WFL Candela, AAL Cunha, RNB Ferreira, MB Steiner
US Patent 10,691,846, 2020
AI powered, automated discovery of polymer membranes for carbon capture
R Giro, H Hsu, A Kishimoto, T Hama, RF Neumann, B Luan, S Takeda, ...
npj Computational Materials 9 (1), 133, 2023
A process-level perspective of the impact of molecular force fields on the computational screening of MOFs for carbon capture
C Cleeton, FL de Oliveira, RF Neumann, AH Farmahini, B Luan, M Steiner, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 16 (9), 3899-3918, 2023
A platform for analysis of nanoscale liquids with an array of sensor devices based on two-dimensional material
M Engel, PW Bryant, RF Neumann, R Giro, C Feger, P Avouris, M Steiner
Nano Letters 17 (5), 2741-2746, 2017
Fluid dynamics in porous media with Sailfish
RCV Coelho, RF Neumann
European Journal of Physics 37 (5), 055102, 2016
Stability of magnetic nanoparticles inside ferromagnetic nanotubes
RF Neumann, M Bahiana, J Escrig, S Allende, K Nielsch, D Altbir
Applied Physics Letters 98 (2), 2011
Self-tuning system for manipulating complex fluids using electrokinectics
JT Azpiroz, PW Bryant, R Giro, RNB Ferreira, RL Ohta
US Patent 11,235,320, 2022
Method for optimizing the design of micro-fluidic devices
JT Azpiroz, PW Bryant, RNB Ferreira, BDC Flach, R Giro, RL Ohta
US Patent 9,892,225, 2018
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Articles 1–20