Hsi-Yung (Steve) Feng
Hsi-Yung (Steve) Feng
Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of British Columbia
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Machining of an aluminum/SiC composite using diamond inserts
CJE Andrewes, HY Feng, WM Lau
Journal of materials processing technology 102 (1-3), 25-29, 2000
Constant scallop-height tool path generation for three-axis sculptured surface machining
HY Feng, H Li
Computer-Aided Design 34 (9), 647-654, 2002
Analysis of digitizing errors of a laser scanning system
HY Feng, Y Liu, F Xi
Precision Engineering 25 (3), 185-191, 2001
The prediction of cutting forces in the ball-end milling process—I. Model formulation and model building procedure
HY Feng, CH Menq
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 34 (5), 697-710, 1994
On the normal vector estimation for point cloud data from smooth surfaces
D OuYang, HY Feng
Computer-Aided Design 37 (10), 1071-1079, 2005
Assembly process planning and its future in collaborative manufacturing: a review
L Wang, S Keshavarzmanesh, HY Feng, RO Buchal
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 41, 132-144, 2009
The prediction of dimensional error for sculptured surface productions using the ball-end milling process. Part 1: Chip geometry analysis and cutting force prediction
EM Lim, HY Feng, CH Menq, Z Lin
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 35 (8), 1149-1169, 1995
Prediction of cutting forces in three and five-axis ball-end milling with tool indentation effect
O Tuysuz, Y Altintas, HY Feng
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 66, 66-81, 2013
Configuration analysis of five-axis machine tools using a generic kinematic model
OR Tutunea-Fatan, HY Feng
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 44 (11), 1235-1243, 2004
Iso-planar piecewise linear NC tool path generation from discrete measured data points
HY Feng, Z Teng
Computer-Aided Design 37 (1), 55-64, 2005
Simplified and efficient calibration of a mechanistic cutting force model for ball-end milling
A Azeem, HY Feng, L Wang
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 44 (2-3), 291-298, 2004
A progressive point cloud simplification algorithm with preserved sharp edge data
H Song, HY Feng
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 45, 583-592, 2009
A global clustering approach to point cloud simplification with a specified data reduction ratio
H Song, HY Feng
Computer-Aided Design 40 (3), 281-292, 2008
Architecture design for distributed process planning
L Wang, HY Feng, N Cai
Journal of Manufacturing Systems 22 (2), 99-115, 2003
A flexible ball-end milling system model for cutting force and machining error prediction
HY Feng, CH Menq
The prediction of cutting forces in the ball-end milling process—II. Cut geometry analysis and model verification
HY Feng, CH Menq
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 34 (5), 711-719, 1994
Error compensation for three-dimensional line laser scanning data
F Xi, Y Liu, HY Feng
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 18, 211-216, 2001
Integrated tool path and feed rate optimization for the finishing machining of 3D plane surfaces
HY Feng, N Su
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 40 (11), 1557-1572, 2000
Enriched machining feature-based reasoning for generic machining process sequencing
L Wang, N Cai, HY Feng, Z Liu
International Journal of Production Research 44 (8), 1479-1501, 2006
A mechanistic cutting force model for 3D ball-end milling
HY Feng, N Su
J. Manuf. Sci. Eng. 123 (1), 23-29, 2001
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