Richard Hedger
Richard Hedger
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Analysis of the spatial distributions of mature cod (Gadus morhua) and haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) abundance in the North Sea (1980–1999) using generalised additive models
R Hedger, E McKenzie, M Heath, P Wright, B Scott, A Gallego, J Andrews
Fisheries Research 70 (1), 17-25, 2004
Environmental influence on transmitter detection probability in biotelemetry: developing a general model of acoustic transmission
KØ Gjelland, RD Hedger
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 4 (7), 665-674, 2013
Active migration of wild Atlantic salmon Salmo salar smolt through a coastal embayment
RD Hedger, F Martin, D Hatin, F Caron, FG Whoriskey, JJ Dodson
Marine Ecology Progress Series 355, 235-246, 2008
The optimized interpolation of fish positions and speeds in an array of fixed acoustic receivers
RD Hedger, F Martin, JJ Dodson, D Hatin, F Caron, FG Whoriskey
ICES Journal of Marine Science 65 (7), 1248-1259, 2008
The effects of hydrodynamics on the three-dimensional downstream migratory movement of Atlantic salmon
AT Silva, KM Bærum, RD Hedger, H Baktoft, HP Fjeldstad, KØ Gjelland, ...
Science of the Total Environment 705, 135773, 2020
Longitudinal gradients in threshold sizes for alternative male life history tactics in a population of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
N Aubin-Horth, JF Bourque, G Daigle, R Hedger, JJ Dodson
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 63 (9), 2067-2075, 2006
Habitat selection by juvenile Atlantic salmon: the interaction between physical habitat and abundance
RD Hedger, JJ Dodson, NE Bergeron, F Caron
Journal of Fish Biology 67 (4), 1054-1071, 2005
Revealing the full ocean migration of individual Atlantic salmon
JF Strøm, EB Thorstad, RD Hedger, AH Rikardsen
Animal Biotelemetry 6, 1-16, 2018
Predicting climate change effects on subarctic–Arctic populations of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
RD Hedger, LE Sundt-Hansen, T Forseth, O Ugedal, OH Diserud, ...
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 70 (2), 159-168, 2013
Heart rate and swimming activity as stress indicators for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
E Svendsen, M Føre, F Økland, A Gräns, RD Hedger, JA Alfredsen, ...
Aquaculture 531, 735804, 2021
Behavioural transition during the estuarine migration of wild Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) smolt
F Martin, RD Hedger, JJ Dodson, L Fernandes, D Hatin, F Caron, ...
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 18 (3), 406-417, 2009
Effects of salmon lice infection on the behaviour of sea trout in the marine phase
KØ Gjelland, RM Serra-Llinares, RD Hedger, P Arechavala-Lopez, ...
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 5 (3), 221-233, 2014
Coupling remote sensing with computational fluid dynamics modelling to estimate lake chlorophyll-a concentration
RD Hedger, NRB Olsen, TJ Malthus, PM Atkinson
Remote Sensing of Environment 79 (1), 116-122, 2002
River and estuary movements of yellow‐stage American eels Anguilla rostrata, using a hydrophone array
RD Hedger, JJ Dodson, D Hatin, F Caron, D Fournier
Journal of Fish Biology 76 (6), 1294-1311, 2010
Redefining the oceanic distribution of Atlantic salmon
AH Rikardsen, D Righton, JF Strøm, EB Thorstad, P Gargan, T Sheehan, ...
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 12266, 2021
Effects of spawning distribution on juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) density and growth
MAK Teichert, A Foldvik, T Forseth, O Ugedal, S Einum, AG Finstad, ...
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 68 (1), 43-50, 2011
The morphological plastic response to water current velocity varies with age and sexual state in juvenile Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar
DJ Paez, R Hedger, L Bernatchez, JJ Dodson
Freshwater biology 53 (8), 1544-1554, 2008
Optimizing sampling strategies for estimating mean water quality in lakes using geostatistical techniques with remote sensing
RD Hedger, PM Atkinson, TJ Malthus
Lakes & Reservoirs: Research & Management 6 (4), 279-288, 2001
Modelling climate change effects on Atlantic salmon: Implications for mitigation in regulated rivers
LE Sundt-Hansen, RD Hedger, O Ugedal, OH Diserud, AG Finstad, ...
Science of the total environment 631, 1005-1017, 2018
Modelling the complete life-cycle of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) using a spatially explicit individual-based approach
RD Hedger, LE Sundt-Hansen, T Forseth, OH Diserud, O Ugedal, ...
Ecological modelling 248, 119-129, 2013
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