Priya R. Banerjee
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Cited by
Nucleophosmin integrates within the nucleolus via multi-modal interactions with proteins displaying R-rich linear motifs and rRNA
DM Mitrea, JA Cika, CS Guy, D Ban, PR Banerjee, CB Stanley, A Nourse, ...
elife 5, e13571, 2016
Reentrant phase transition drives dynamic substructure formation in ribonucleoprotein droplets
PR Banerjee, AN Milin, MM Moosa, PL Onuchic, AA Deniz
Angewandte Chemie International Edition. DOI: 10.1002/anie.201703191, 2017
Self-interaction of NPM1 modulates multiple mechanisms of liquid–liquid phase separation
DM Mitrea, JA Cika, CB Stanley, A Nourse, PL Onuchic, PR Banerjee, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 842, 2018
Phase separation of ligand-activated enhancers licenses cooperative chromosomal enhancer assembly
SJ Nair, L Yang, D Meluzzi, S Oh, F Yang, MJ Friedman, S Wang, T Suter, ...
Nature structural & molecular biology 26 (3), 193-203, 2019
Sequence-encoded and composition-dependent protein-RNA interactions control multiphasic condensate morphologies
T Kaur, M Raju, I Alshareedah, RB Davis, DA Potoyan, PR Banerjee
Nature communications 12 (1), 872, 2021
Phase transition of RNA− protein complexes into ordered hollow condensates
I Alshareedah, MM Moosa, M Raju, DA Potoyan, PR Banerjee
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (27), 15650-15658, 2020
Interplay between short-range attraction and long-range repulsion controls reentrant liquid condensation of ribonucleoprotein–RNA complexes
I Alshareedah, T Kaur, J Ngo, H Seppala, LAD Kounatse, W Wang, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 141 (37), 14593-14602, 2019
Programmable viscoelasticity in protein-RNA condensates with disordered sticker-spacer polypeptides
I Alshareedah, MM Moosa, M Pham, DA Potoyan, PR Banerjee
Nature communications 12 (1), 6620, 2021
Molecular crowding tunes material states of ribonucleoprotein condensates
T Kaur, I Alshareedah, W Wang, J Ngo, MM Moosa, PR Banerjee
Biomolecules 9 (2), 71, 2019
Quantifying viscosity and surface tension of multicomponent protein-nucleic acid condensates
I Alshareedah, GM Thurston, PR Banerjee
Biophysical journal 120 (7), 1161-1169, 2021
Cataract-associated mutant E107A of human γD-crystallin shows increased attraction to α-crystallin and enhanced light scattering
PR Banerjee, A Pande, J Patrosz, GM Thurston, J Pande
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (2), 574-579, 2011
Shedding light on protein folding landscapes by single-molecule fluorescence
PR Banerjee, AA Deniz
Chemical Society Reviews 43 (4), 1172-1188, 2014
Divalent cations can control a switch-like behavior in heterotypic and homotypic RNA coacervates
PL Onuchic, AN Milin, I Alshareedah, AA Deniz, PR Banerjee
Scientific reports 9 (1), 12161, 2019
Methods for characterizing the material properties of biomolecular condensates
I Alshareedah, T Kaur, PR Banerjee
Methods in enzymology 646, 143-183, 2021
Increase in surface hydrophobicity of the cataract-associated P23T mutant of human γD-crystallin is responsible for its dramatically lower, retrograde solubility
A Pande, KS Ghosh, PR Banerjee, J Pande
Biochemistry 49 (29), 6122-6129, 2010
RNAs undergo phase transitions with lower critical solution temperatures
GM Wadsworth, WJ Zahurancik, X Zeng, P Pullara, LB Lai, V Sidharthan, ...
Nature Chemistry 15 (12), 1693-1704, 2023
FUS oncofusion protein condensates recruit mSWI/SNF chromatin remodeler via heterotypic interactions between prion‐like domains
RB Davis, T Kaur, MM Moosa, PR Banerjee
Protein Science 30 (7), 1454-1466, 2021
Two‐dimensional crowding uncovers a hidden conformation of α‐Synuclein
PR Banerjee, MM Moosa, AA Deniz
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 55 (41), 12789-12792, 2016
Asymmetric modulation of protein order–disorder transitions by phosphorylation and partner binding
PR Banerjee, DM Mitrea, RW Kriwacki, AA Deniz
Angewandte Chemie 128 (5), 1707-1711, 2016
NMR study of the cataract-linked P23T mutant of human γD-crystallin shows minor changes in hydrophobic patches that reflect its retrograde solubility
A Pande, J Zhang, PR Banerjee, SS Puttamadappa, A Shekhtman, ...
Biochemical and biophysical research communications 382 (1), 196-199, 2009
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Articles 1–20