Sandra Wiebe
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Cited by
Short-term memory, working memory, and executive functioning in preschoolers: Longitudinal predictors of mathematical achievement at age 7 years
R Bull, KA Espy, SA Wiebe
Developmental neuropsychology 33 (3), 205-228, 2008
Using confirmatory factor analysis to understand executive control in preschool children: I. Latent structure.
SA Wiebe, KA Espy, D Charak
Developmental Psychology 44 (2), 575, 2008
The structure of executive function in 3-year-olds
SA Wiebe, T Sheffield, JM Nelson, CAC Clark, N Chevalier, KA Espy
Journal of experimental child psychology 108 (3), 436-452, 2011
Systematic review of physical activity and cognitive development in early childhood
V Carson, S Hunter, N Kuzik, SA Wiebe, JC Spence, A Friedman, ...
Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 19 (7), 573-578, 2016
Executive function deficits in preschool children with ADHD and DBD
K Schoemaker, T Bunte, SA Wiebe, KA Espy, M Deković, W Matthys
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 53 (2), 111-119, 2012
Executive control and dimensions of problem behaviors in preschool children
KA Espy, TD Sheffield, SA Wiebe, CAC Clark, MJ Moehr
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 52 (1), 33-46, 2011
Systematic review of sedentary behavior and cognitive development in early childhood
V Carson, N Kuzik, S Hunter, SA Wiebe, JC Spence, A Friedman, ...
Preventive medicine 78, 115-122, 2015
Using confirmatory factor analysis to understand executive control in preschool children: Sources of variation in emergent mathematic achievement
R Bull, KA Espy, SA Wiebe, TD Sheffield, JM Nelson
Developmental science 14 (4), 679-692, 2011
Longitudinal associations between executive control and developing mathematical competence in preschool boys and girls
CAC Clark, TD Sheffield, SA Wiebe, KA Espy
Child development 84 (2), 662-677, 2013
Separating the fish from the sharks: a longitudinal study of preschool response inhibition
SA Wiebe, TD Sheffield, KA Espy
Child development 83 (4), 1245-1261, 2012
Developments in Long-Term Explicit Memory Late in the First Year of Life Behavioral and Electrophysiological Indices
PJ Bauer, SA Wiebe, LJ Carver, JM Waters, CA Nelson
Psychological Science 14 (6), 629-635, 2003
Charting early trajectories of executive control with the Shape School.
CAC Clark, TD Sheffield, N Chevalier, JM Nelson, SA Wiebe, KA Espy
Developmental Psychology 49 (8), 1481, 2013
The emergent executive: A dynamic field theory of the development of executive function
AT Buss, JP Spencer
Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development 79 (2), vii, 2014
Underpinnings of the costs of flexibility in preschool children: the roles of inhibition and working memory
N Chevalier, TD Sheffield, JM Nelson, CAC Clark, SA Wiebe, KA Espy
Developmental neuropsychology 37 (2), 99-118, 2012
Reexposure breeds recall: Effects of experience on 9-month-olds' ordered recall
PJ Bauer, SA Wiebe, JM Waters, SK Bangston
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 80 (2), 174-200, 2001
Electrophysiological indexes of encoding and behavioral indexes of recall: examining relations and developmental change late in the first year of life
PJ Bauer, SA Wiebe, LJ Carver, AF Lukowski, JC Haight, JM Waters, ...
Developmental Neuropsychology 29 (2), 293-320, 2006
Executive Function: Development Across the Life Span
SA Wiebe, J Karbach
Routledge, 2017
Socioeconomic status and executive function in early childhood: Exploring proximal mechanisms
DM Vrantsidis, CAC Clark, N Chevalier, KA Espy, SA Wiebe
Developmental Science 23 (3), e12917, 2020
Qualitative change in executive control during childhood and adulthood
N Chevalier, KL Huber, SA Wiebe, KA Espy
Cognition 128 (1), 1-12, 2013
Gaining control: changing relations between executive control and processing speed and their relevance for mathematics achievement over course of the preschool period
CAC Clark, JM Nelson, J Garza, TD Sheffield, SA Wiebe, KA Espy
Frontiers in psychology 5, 107, 2014
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Articles 1–20