Przemysław Adamkiewicz
Przemysław Adamkiewicz
Prezes Zarządu, Centrum Badawczo Rozwojowe Technologii Informatycznych
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Cited by
The use of time-frequency moments as inputs of lstm network for ecg signal classification
G Kłosowski, T Rymarczyk, D Wójcik, S Skowron, T Cieplak, ...
Electronics 9 (9), 1452, 2020
Toward understanding of toxic side effects of a polyene antibiotic amphotericin B: fluorescence spectroscopy reveals widespread formation of the specific supramolecular …
P Wasko, R Luchowski, K Tutaj, W Grudzinski, P Adamkiewicz, ...
Molecular pharmaceutics 9 (5), 1511-1520, 2012
Practical implementation of electrical tomography in a distributed system to examine the condition of objects
T Rymarczyk, P Tchórzewski, P Adamkiewicz, K Duda, J Szumowski, ...
IEEE Sensors Journal 17 (24), 8166-8186, 2017
New electrical tomographic method to determine dampness in historical buildings
T Rymarczyk, P Adamkiewicz, K Duda, J Szumowski, J Sikora
Archives of Electrical Engineering 65 (2), 273--283, 2016
Spectroscopic study on formation of aggregated structures by carotenoids: Role of water
P Adamkiewicz, A Sujak, WI Gruszecki
Journal of Molecular Structure 1046, 44-51, 2013
Wearable mobile measuring device based on electrical tomography
T Rymarczyk, P Nita, A Vejar, M Woś, B Stefaniak, P Adamkiewicz
Przegląd Elektrotechniczny 95 (219), 211-214, 2019
Effective ultrasound and radio tomography imaging algorithm for three-dimensional problems
T Rymarczyk, P Adamowicz, J Sikora, K Polakowski
2018 Applications of Electromagnetics in Modern Techniques and Medicine (PTZE), 2018
Moisture Wall Inspection Using Electrical Tomography Measurements
T Rymarczyk, K Szumowski, P Adamkiewicz, P Tchórzewski, J Sikora
Przegląd Elektrotechniczny 94 (1), 97-100, 2018
Nondestructive method to examine brick wall dampness
K Duda, P Adamkiewicz, T Rymarczyk, K Niderla
International Interdisciplinary Phd Workshop 2016, 68-71, 2016
Indoor localization system using UWB
D Gnaś, P Adamkiewicz
Informatyka, Automatyka, Pomiary W Gospodarce I Ochronie Środowiska 12 (1 …, 2022
Optimisation of commercial building management processes using user behaviour analysis systems supported by computational intelligence and RTI
M Styła, P Adamkiewicz
Informatyka, Automatyka, Pomiary W Gospodarce I Ochronie Środowiska 12 (1 …, 2022
Applying the logistic regression in electrical impedance tomography to analyze conductivity of the examined objects
T Rymarczyk, E Kozłowski, P Tchórzewski, G Kłosowski, P Adamkiewicz
International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics 64 (S1 …, 2020
Hybrid navigation system for indoor use
M Styła, P Adamkiewicz
Informatyka, Automatyka, Pomiary W Gospodarce I Ochronie Środowiska 12 (1), 2022
Implementation Image Analysis and Optimization Techniques in e-Medicus System.
T Rymarczyk, P ADAMKIEWICZ, J Sikora
Przeglad elektrotechniczny 94 (1), 2018
Hybrid sensor for detection of objects using radio tomography
M Styła, M Oleszek, T Rymarczyk, M Maj, P Adamkiewicz
2019 Applications of Electromagnetics in Modern Engineering and Medicine …, 2019
Application of the Fresnel zone and Free-space Path for image reconstruction in radio tomography
M Maj, T Rymarczyk, K Kania, K Niderla, M Styła, P Adamkiewicz
2019 International Interdisciplinary PhD Workshop (IIPhDW), 30-33, 2019
Image reconstruction in ultrasound transmission tomography using the Fermat’s Principle
K Kania, M Maj, T Rymarczyk, P Adamkiewicz, M Gołąbek
Przegląd Elektrotechniczny 96 (1), 186-189, 2020
Implementation of the LARS method to solve the inverse problem in electrical tomography
T Rymarczyk, E Kozłowski, G Kłosowski, P Adamkiewicz
Prz. Elektrotechniczny 94, 146-149, 2018
Electrical capacitance tomography and optical detection in quality control system
T Rymarczyk, J Szumowski, P Adamkiewicz, P Tchórzewski, J Sikora
Prz. Elektrotechniczny 93, 211-214, 2017
Machine Learning-Enhanced Radio Tomographic Device for Energy Optimization in Smart Buildings
M Styła, B Kiczek, G Kłosowski, T Rymarczyk, P Adamkiewicz, D Wójcik, ...
Energies 16 (1), 275, 2022
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