Jnanendra Prasad Sarkar
Jnanendra Prasad Sarkar
Jadavpur University
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Cited by
Machine learning integrated ensemble of feature selection methods followed by survival analysis for predicting breast cancer subtype specific miRNA biomarkers
JP Sarkar, I Saha, A Sarkar, U Maulik
Computers in Biology and Medicine 131, 104244, 2021
Rough possibilistic type-2 fuzzy C-means clustering for MR brain image segmentation
JP Sarkar, I Saha, U Maulik
Applied Soft Computing 46, 527-536, 2016
Ensemble based rough fuzzy clustering for categorical data
I Saha, JP Sarkar, U Maulik
Knowledge-Based Systems 77, 114-127, 2015
Genome-wide analysis of Indian SARS-CoV-2 genomes for the identification of genetic mutation and SNP
I Saha, N Ghosh, D Maity, N Sharma, JP Sarkar, K Mitra
Infection, Genetics and Evolution 85, 104457, 2020
Integrated rough fuzzy clustering for categorical data analysis
I Saha, JP Sarkar, U Maulik
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 361, 1-32, 2019
Identification of breast cancer subtype specific MicroRNAs using survival analysis to find their role in transcriptomic regulation
M Denkiewicz, I Saha, S Rakshit, JP Sarkar, D Plewczynski
Frontiers in genetics 10, 1047, 2019
Machine learning integrated credibilistic semi supervised clustering for categorical data
JP Sarkar, I Saha, S Chakraborty, U Maulik
Applied Soft Computing 86, 105871, 2020
Topological Analysis for Sequence Variability: Case Study on more than 2K SARS-CoV-2 sequences of COVID-19 infected 54 countries in comparison with SARS-CoV-1 and MERS-CoV
JP Sarkar, I Saha, A Seal, D Maity, U Maulik
Infection, Genetics and Evolution 88, 104708, 2021
Strategies for COVID-19 Epidemiological Surveillance in India: Overall Policies Till June 2021
N Ghosh, I Saha, JP Sarkar, U Maulik
Frontiers in Public Health 9, 708224, 2021
Identification of miRNA biomarkers for diverse cancer types using statistical learning methods at the whole-genome scale
JP Sarkar, I Saha, A Lancucki, N Ghosh, M Wlasnowolski, G Bokota, ...
Frontiers in Genetics 11, 982, 2020
Covid-predictor: RNA sequence based prediction of coronavirus
JP Sarkar, I Saha, A Seal, D Maity
Human miRNAs to identify potential regions of SARS-CoV-2
N Ghosh, I Saha, N Sharma, JP Sarkar
ACS omega 7 (24), 21086-21101, 2022
Improved fuzzy clustering using ensemble based differential evolution for remote sensing image
JP Sarkar, I Saha, U Maulik
TENCON 2019-2019 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), 880-885, 2019
Rough set based fuzzy k-modes for categorical data
I Saha, JP Sarkar, U Maulik
Swarm, Evolutionary, and Memetic Computing: Third International Conference …, 2012
Cognitive model determining alerts generated in a system
C Bais, JP Sarkar, M Vaghjipurwala, M Neemuchwala, R Nainani, S Vyas, ...
US Patent 11,411,835, 2022
Supplementary materials to
Z Zhu, A Narayan, S Zhang, L Wang, Y Zhu, W Yang, Y Cheng, L Zeng, ...
A new evolutionary rough fuzzy integrated machine learning technique for microRNA selection using next-generation sequencing data of breast cancer
JP Sarkar, I Saha, S Rakshit, M Pal, M Wlasnowolski, A Sarkar, U Maulik, ...
Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion …, 2019
Improving modified differential evolution for fuzzy clustering
JP Sarkar, I Saha, A Sarkar, U Maulik
Hybrid Intelligent Systems: 17th International Conference on Hybrid …, 2018
Online predictor using machine learning to predict novel coronavirus and other pathogenic viruses
JP Sarkar, I Saha, N Ghosh, D Maity, D Plewczynski
ACS omega 7 (27), 23069-23074, 2022
Survival Analysis with the Integration of RNA-Seq and Clinical Data to Identify Breast Cancer Subtype Specific Genes
I Saha, S Rakshit, M Denkiewicz, JP Sarkar, D Maity, U Maulik, ...
International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence …, 2019
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Articles 1–20