Tianwen Chen
Tianwen Chen
Applied AI/ML Researcher
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Dissociable roles of right inferior frontal cortex and anterior insula in inhibitory control: evidence from intrinsic and task-related functional parcellation, connectivity …
W Cai, S Ryali, T Chen, CSR Li, V Menon
Journal of Neuroscience 34 (44), 14652-14667, 2014
Amygdala subregional structure and intrinsic functional connectivity predicts individual differences in anxiety during early childhood
S Qin, CB Young, X Duan, T Chen, K Supekar, V Menon
Biological psychiatry 75 (11), 892-900, 2014
Hippocampal-neocortical functional reorganization underlies children's cognitive development
S Qin, S Cho, T Chen, M Rosenberg-Lee, DC Geary, V Menon
Nature neuroscience 17 (9), 1263-1269, 2014
Estimation of functional connectivity in fMRI data using stability selection-based sparse partial correlation with elastic net penalty
S Ryali, T Chen, K Supekar, V Menon
NeuroImage 59 (4), 3852-3861, 2012
Distinct global brain dynamics and spatiotemporal organization of the salience network
T Chen, W Cai, S Ryali, K Supekar, V Menon
PLoS biology 14 (6), e1002469, 2016
Multivariate searchlight classification of structural magnetic resonance imaging in children and adolescents with autism
LQ Uddin, V Menon, CB Young, S Ryali, T Chen, A Khouzam, ...
Biological psychiatry 70 (9), 833-841, 2011
Positive attitude toward math supports early academic success: Behavioral evidence and neurocognitive mechanisms
L Chen, SR Bae, C Battista, S Qin, T Chen, TM Evans, V Menon
Psychological science 29 (3), 390-402, 2018
Inter‐subject synchronization of brain responses during natural music listening
DA Abrams, S Ryali, T Chen, P Chordia, A Khouzam, DJ Levitin, V Menon
European Journal of Neuroscience 37 (9), 1458-1469, 2013
Causal interactions within a frontal-cingulate-parietal network during cognitive control: Convergent evidence from a multisite–multitask investigation
W Cai, T Chen, S Ryali, J Kochalka, CSR Li, V Menon
Cerebral cortex 26 (5), 2140-2153, 2016
Uncovering hidden brain state dynamics that regulate performance and decision-making during cognition
J Taghia, W Cai, S Ryali, J Kochalka, J Nicholas, T Chen, V Menon
Nature communications 9 (1), 2505, 2018
Brain hyper‐connectivity and operation‐specific deficits during arithmetic problem solving in children with developmental dyscalculia
M Rosenberg‐Lee, S Ashkenazi, T Chen, CB Young, DC Geary, V Menon
Developmental science 18 (3), 351-372, 2015
Multivariate dynamical systems models for estimating causal interactions in fMRI
S Ryali, K Supekar, T Chen, V Menon
Neuroimage 54 (2), 807-823, 2011
Insula response and connectivity during social and non-social attention in children with autism
P Odriozola, LQ Uddin, CJ Lynch, J Kochalka, T Chen, V Menon
Social cognitive and affective neuroscience 11 (3), 433-444, 2016
Parietal hyper‐connectivity, aberrant brain organization, and circuit‐based biomarkers in children with mathematical disabilities
D Jolles, S Ashkenazi, J Kochalka, T Evans, J Richardson, ...
Developmental science 19 (4), 613-631, 2016
Role of the anterior insular cortex in integrative causal signaling during multisensory auditory–visual attention
T Chen, L Michels, K Supekar, J Kochalka, S Ryali, V Menon
European Journal of Neuroscience 41 (2), 264-274, 2015
Neural circuits underlying mother’s voice perception predict social communication abilities in children
DA Abrams, T Chen, P Odriozola, KM Cheng, AE Baker, A Padmanabhan, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (22), 6295-6300, 2016
Temporal dynamics and developmental maturation of salience, default and central-executive network interactions revealed by variational Bayes hidden Markov modeling
S Ryali, K Supekar, T Chen, J Kochalka, W Cai, J Nicholas, ...
PLoS computational biology 12 (12), e1005138, 2016
Aberrant time-varying cross-network interactions in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and the relation to attention deficits
W Cai, T Chen, L Szegletes, K Supekar, V Menon
Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging 3 (3), 263-273, 2018
Competing demands of prosociality and equity in monkeys
SF Brosnan, D Houser, K Leimgruber, E Xiao, T Chen, FBM de Waal
Evolution and Human Behavior 31 (4), 279-288, 2010
A parcellation scheme based on von Mises-Fisher distributions and Markov random fields for segmenting brain regions using resting-state fMRI
S Ryali, T Chen, K Supekar, V Menon
Neuroimage 65, 83-96, 2013
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Articles 1–20