Christine Cheyne
Christine Cheyne
Associate Professor, Resource and Environmental Planning, Massey University
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Social policy in Aotearoa New Zealand: A critical introduction
C Cheyne, M O'Brien, M Belgrave
Oxford University Press, 1997
Coasts for sale: gentrification in New Zealand
C Freeman, C Cheyne
Planning Theory & Practice 9 (1), 33-56, 2008
Changing urban governance in New Zealand: Public participation and democratic legitimacy in local authority planning and decision-making 1989–2014
C Cheyne
Urban policy and research 33 (4), 416-432, 2015
Shared transport: Reducing energy demand and enhancing transport options for residents of small towns
C Cheyne, M Imran
Energy Research & Social Science 18, 139-150, 2016
Enhanced legitimacy for local authority decision making: challenges, setbacks and innovation
C Cheyne, M Comrie
Policy & Politics 30 (4), 469-482, 2002
A rising tide lifts all boats? A preliminary investigation into the impact of rising New Zealand coastal property prices on small communities
C Cheyne, C Freeman
Kōtuitui: New Zealand Journal of Social Sciences Online 1 (2), 105-124, 2006
Empowerment of local government in New Zealand: a new model for contemporary local-central relations?
C Cheyne
Commonwealth Journal of Local Governance, 30-48, 2008
Creating Treaty-based local governance in New Zealand: Māori and Pākehā views
K Webster, C Cheyne
Kōtuitui: New Zealand Journal of Social Sciences Online 12 (2), 146-164, 2017
Democracy in New Zealand local government: purpose and practice
V Forgie, C Cheyne, PJ McDermott
School of Resource and Environmental Planning, Massey University, 1999
Public involvement in local government in New Zealand: a historical account
C Cheyne
Empowering communities, 2006
He wharemoa te rakau, ka mahue. Maori engagement with local government: Knowledge, experiences and recommendations
CM Cheyne, VM Tawhai
After consultation: The challenge facing democratic governance
C Cheyne
Political Science 50 (2), 209-224, 1999
Women and social/economic policy: New feminist agendas for changing times
C Briar, C Cheyne
Feminist Thought in Aotearoa/New Zealand. Differences and Connections, 209-215, 1998
Changing local political leadership: The New Zealand mayor in contemporary local governance
C Cheyne
Political Science 56 (2), 51-64, 2004
O‟ Brien, M., & Belgrave, M.(2000)
C Cheyne
Social policy in Aotearoa New Zealand: A critical introduction. Auckland …, 0
Measuring transport resilience: a Manawatu-Wanganui region case study
M Imran, C Cheyne, H Harold
Resource and Environmental Planning, Massey University, 2014
Empowerment or encumbrance? Exercising the STV option for local authority elections in New Zealand
C Cheyne, M Comrie
Local Government Studies 31 (2), 185-204, 2005
Barriers to active transport in Palmerston North
CM Cheyne, I Muhammad, M Scott, C Tien
Massey University, 2015
Public participation in local authority annual planning:'spectacles and acclamation'or prospects for deliberative democracy?: a thesis presented in fulfilment of the …
CM Cheyne
Massey University, 1997
Attitudes and behaviour in relation to public transport in New Zealand's non-metropolitan regions
CM Cheyne, M Imran
New Zealand Transport Agency research report, 2010
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Articles 1–20