Omar-Dario Cardona A.
Cited by
Cited by
Urban areas
A Revi, DE Satterthwaite, F Aragón-Durand, J Corfee-Morlot, RBR Kiunsi, ...
Climate change, 535-612, 2014
Managing the risks of extreme events and disasters to advance climate change adaptation: special report of the intergovernmental panel on climate change
CB Field, V Barros, TF Stocker, Q Dahe
Cambridge University Press, 2012
System of indicators of disaster risk and risk management for the Americas: Recent updating and application of the IDB-IDEA approach
OD Cardona, ML Carreño
Measuring vulnerability to natural hazards: Toward disaster resilient …, 2013
Measuring vulnerability to promote disaster-resilient societies: Conceptual frameworks and definitions
J Birkmann
Measuring vulnerability to natural hazards: Towards disaster resilient …, 2006
The need for rethinking the concepts of vulnerability and risk from a holistic perspective: a necessary review and criticism for effective risk management
OD Cardona
Mapping vulnerability, 37-51, 2013
Determinants of risk: exposure and vulnerability
OD Cardona, MK Van Aalst, J Birkmann, M Fordham, G Mc Gregor, ...
Managing the risks of extreme events and disasters to advance climate change …, 2012
Mapping vulnerability: Disasters, development and people
G Bankoff, G Frerks, D Hilhorst
Routledge, 2013
Framing vulnerability, risk and societal responses: the MOVE framework
TW Joern Birkmann, Omar D Cardona, Martha L Carreño, Alex H Barbat, Mark ...
Natural hazards 67 (2), 193-211, 2013
IPCC, 2014: Summary for policymakers
CB Field, VR Barros, DJ Dokken, KJ Mach, MD Mastrandrea, TE Bilir, ...
Climate change, 1-32, 2014
Los desastres no son naturales
A Maskrey
Los desastres no son naturales, 166-166, 1993
La necesidad de repensar de manera holística los conceptos de vulnerabilidad y riesgo “Una Crítica y una Revisión Necesaria para la Gestión”
OD Cardona Arboleda
Work-Conference on Vunerability in Disaster Theory and Practice, 2001
Climate change: new dimensions in disaster risk, exposure, vulnerability, and resilience
A Lavell, M Oppenheimer, C Diop, J Hess, R Lempert, J Li, R Muir-Wood, ...
Managing the risks of extreme events and disasters to advance climate change …, 2012
Evaluación de la amenaza, la vulnerabilidad y el riesgo
OD Cardona Arboleda
Evaluación de la amenaza, la vulnerabilidad y el riesgo, 10-10, 1991
Summary for policymakers
IIPC Change)
Climate change 2007: the physical science basis. Contribution of working …, 2007
Introduction: mapping vulnerability
D Hilhorst, G Bankoff
Mapping vulnerability, 1-9, 2013
Estimación holística del riesgo sísmico utilizando sistemas dinámicos complejos
OD Cardona
Barcelona, 2001
Urban seismic risk evaluation: a holistic approach
ML Carreño, OD Cardona, AH Barbat
Natural Hazards 40, 137-172, 2007
Degradación ambiental, riesgo y desastre urbano. Problemas y conceptos: hacia la definición de una agenda de investigación
A Lavell
A disaster risk management performance index
ML Carreño, OD Cardona, AH Barbat
Natural hazards 41, 1-20, 2007
Measuring the un-measurable. The challenge of vulnerability
J Birkmann
Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, 2006
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Articles 1–20