Satoka Aoyagi
Satoka Aoyagi
Seikei University
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Oriented immobilization of antibodies on a silicon wafer using Si-tagged protein A
T Ikeda, Y Hata, K Ninomiya, Y Ikura, K Takeguchi, S Aoyagi, R Hirota, ...
Analytical Biochemistry 385 (1), 132-137, 2009
Measuring compositions in organic depth profiling: results from a VAMAS interlaboratory study
AG Shard, R Havelund, SJ Spencer, IS Gilmore, MR Alexander, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 119 (33), 10784-10797, 2015
Peptide fragmentation and surface structural analysis by means of ToF-SIMS using large cluster ion sources
Y Yokoyama, S Aoyagi, M Fujii, J Matsuo, JS Fletcher, NP Lockyer, ...
Analytical chemistry 88 (7), 3592-3597, 2016
Development of fluorescence change-based, reagent-less optic immunosensor
S Aoyagi, M Kudo
Biosensors and Bioelectronics 20 (8), 1680-1684, 2005
Development of a superoxide sensor by immobilization of superoxide dismutase
K Endo, T Miyasaka, S Mochizuki, S Aoyagi, N Himi, H Asahara, ...
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 83 (1-3), 30-34, 2002
Extraction of hidden information of ToF‐SIMS data using different multivariate analyses
Y Yokoyama, T Kawashima, M Ohkawa, H Iwai, S Aoyagi
Surface and Interface Analysis 47 (4), 439-446, 2015
Review of TOF‐SIMS bioanalysis using mutual information
S Aoyagi
Surface and Interface Analysis: An International Journal devoted to the …, 2009
Determination of human serum albumin by chemiluminescence immunoassay with luminol using a platinum-immobilized flow-cell
S Aoyagi, T Iwata, T Miyasaka, K Sakai
Analytica chimica acta 436 (1), 103-108, 2001
Estimation of protein adsorption on dialysis membrane by means of TOF-SIMS imaging
S Aoyagi, M Hayama, U Hasegawa, K Sakai, M Tozu, T Hoshi, M Kudo
Journal of membrane science 236 (1-2), 91-99, 2004
TOF-SIMS imaging of protein adsorption on dialysis membrane by means of information entropy
S Aoyagi, M Kudo, M Hayama, U Hasegawa, K Sakai, M Tozu, T Hoshi
e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology 1, 67-71, 2003
Reagentless and regenerable immunosensor for monitoring of immunoglobulin G based on non-separation immunoassay
S Aoyagi, R Imai, K Sakai, M Kudo
Biosensors and Bioelectronics 18 (5-6), 791-795, 2003
Peptide structural analysis using continuous Ar cluster and C60 ion beams
S Aoyagi, JS Fletcher, S Sheraz, T Kawashima, I Berrueta Razo, ...
Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 405, 6621-6628, 2013
Investigation of the damage on the outermost hair surface using ToF‐SIMS and XPS
M Okamoto, K Ishikawa, N Tanji, S Aoyagi
Surface and interface analysis 44 (6), 736-739, 2012
TOF-SIMS imaging technique with information entropy
S Aoyagi, Y Kawashima, M Kudo
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2005
TOF-SIMS structural characterization of self-assembly monolayer of cytochrome b5 onto gold substrate
S Aoyagi, A Rouleau, W Boireau
Applied Surface Science 255 (4), 1071-1074, 2008
Effective monitoring of protein reaction on glass plate surfaces by TOF-SIMS
S Aoyagi, M Kudo
Biosensors and Bioelectronics 20 (8), 1626-1630, 2005
Factors determining the reaction temperature of the solvent-free enzymatic synthesis of trehalose esters
S Ogawa, A Endo, N Kitahara, T Yamagishi, S Aoyagi, S Hara
Carbohydrate research 482, 107739, 2019
Evaluation of time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry spectra of peptides by random forest with amino acid labels: results from a versailles project on advanced …
S Aoyagi, Y Fujiwara, A Takano, JL Vorng, IS Gilmore, YC Wang, ...
Analytical chemistry 93 (9), 4191-4197, 2021
Time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry analysis of hair samples using unsupervised artificial neural network
K Matsuda, S Aoyagi
Biointerphases 15 (2), 2020
TOF‐SIMS matrix effects in mixed organic layers in Ar cluster ion depth profiles
K Takahashi, S Aoyagi, T Kawashima
Surface and Interface Analysis 49 (8), 721-727, 2017
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Articles 1–20