Darius P Miller
Darius P Miller
Caruth Chair in Finance Edwin L. Cox School of Business
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ADRs, analysts, and accuracy: Does cross listing in the United States improve a firm's information environment and increase market value?
MH Lang, KV Lins, DP Miller
Journal of Accounting Research 41 (2), 317-345, 2003
Does auditor quality and tenure matter to investors? Evidence from the bond market
SA Mansi, WF Maxwell, DP Miller
Journal of Accounting Research 42 (4), 755-793, 2004
The market reaction to international cross-listings:: evidence from Depositary Receipts
DP Miller
Journal of Financial Economics 51 (1), 103-123, 1999
Concentrated control, analyst following, and valuation: Do analysts matter most when investors are protected least?
MH Lang, KV Lins, DP Miller
Journal of Accounting Research 42 (3), 589-623, 2004
Market segmentation and the cost of the capital in international equity markets
VR Errunza, DP Miller
Journal of Financial and Quantitative analysis 35 (4), 577-600, 2000
Private benefits of control, ownership, and the cross‐listing decision
C Doidge, GA Karolyi, KV Lins, DP Miller, RM Stulz
The Journal of Finance 64 (1), 425-466, 2009
The use of foreign currency derivatives, corporate governance, and firm value around the world
G Allayannis, U Lel, DP Miller
Journal of International Economics 87 (1), 65-79, 2012
Analyst forecast characteristics and the cost of debt
SA Mansi, WF Maxwell, DP Miller
Review of Accounting Studies 16, 116-142, 2011
International Cross‐Listing, Firm Performance, and Top Management Turnover: A Test of the Bonding Hypothesis
U Lel, DP Miller
The Journal of Finance 63 (4), 1897-1937, 2008
Shareholder voting and corporate governance around the world
P Iliev, KV Lins, DP Miller, L Roth
The Review of Financial Studies 28 (8), 2167-2202, 2015
Does takeover activity cause managerial discipline? Evidence from international M&A laws
U Lel, DP Miller
The Review of Financial Studies 28 (6), 1588-1622, 2015
Does corporate international diversification destroy value? Evidence from cross-border mergers and acquisitions
MB Dos Santos, VR Errunza, DP Miller
Journal of Banking & Finance 32 (12), 2716-2724, 2008
The legal environment and corporate valuation: Evidence from cross-border takeovers
DR Kuipers, DP Miller, A Patel
International Review of Economics & Finance 18 (4), 552-567, 2009
Do country-level investor protections affect security-level contract design? Evidence from foreign bond covenants
DP Miller, N Reisel
The Review of Financial Studies 25 (2), 408-438, 2012
The Costs, Determinants, and Wealth Effects of International Capital Raising
DP Miller, JJ Puthenpurackal
Journal of Financial Intermediation 11, 455-485, 2002
Escape from New York: The market impact of loosening disclosure requirements
N Fernandes, U Lel, DP Miller
Journal of Financial Economics 95 (2), 129-147, 2010
Security fungibility and the cost of capital: Evidence from global bonds
DP Miller, JJ Puthenpurackal
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 40 (4), 849-872, 2005
The intraday pricing behavior of international dually listed securities
DP Miller, MR Morey
Journal of International Financial Markets Institutions and Money 6, 79-90, 1996
Uninvited US Investors? Economic Consequences of Involuntary Cross‐Listings
P Iliev, DP Miller, L Roth
Journal of Accounting Research 52 (2), 473-519, 2014
The labor market for directors and externalities in corporate governance: Evidence from the international labor market
U Lel, D Miller
Journal of Accounting and Economics 68 (1), 101222, 2019
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