Matti Sarvimäki
Matti Sarvimäki
Associate Professor of Economics, Aalto University
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Cited by
Cited by
Integrating immigrants: The impact of restructuring active labor market programs
M Sarvimäki, K Hämäläinen
Journal of Labor Economics 34 (2), 479-508, 2016
Formative experiences and portfolio choice: Evidence from the Finnish great depression
S Knüpfer, E Rantapuska, M Sarvimäki
The Journal of Finance 72 (1), 133-166, 2017
Habit formation and the misallocation of labor: evidence from forced migrations
M Sarvimäki, R Uusitalo, M Jäntti
Journal of the European Economic Association 20 (6), 2497-2539, 2022
Assimilation to a welfare state: Labor market performance and use of social benefits by immigrants to Finland
M Sarvimäki
The Scandinavian Journal of Economics 113 (3), 665-688, 2011
Post-secondary education and information on labor market prospects: A randomized field experiment
SP Kerr, T Pekkarinen, M Sarvimäki, R Uusitalo
Labour Economics, 101888, 2020
Labor market integration of refugees in Finland
M Sarvimäki
Nordic Economic Policy Review 7 (1), 91–114, 2017
The evolution of social mobility: Norway during the twentieth century
T Pekkarinen, KG Salvanes, M Sarvimäki
The Scandinavian Journal of Economics 119 (1), 5-33, 2017
Secular rise in economically valuable personality traits
M Jokela, T Pekkarinen, M Sarvimäki, M Terviö, R Uusitalo
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (25), 6527-6532, 2017
The local economic impacts of regeneration projects: Evidence from UK's Single Regeneration Budget
S Gibbons, H Overman, M Sarvimäki
Journal of Urban Economics 122, 103315, 2021
Maahanmuuttajat ja julkiset palvelut
M Gissler, M Malin, P Matveinen, A Kangasharju, M Sarvimäki
Age at arrival, parents and neighborhoods: understanding the educational attainment of immigrants’ children
L Ansala, U Hämäläinen, M Sarvimäki
Journal of Economic Geography 20 (2), 459-480, 2020
The impact of forced migration on mortality: a cohort study of 242,075 Finns from 1939-2010
J Haukka, J Suvisaari, M Sarvimäki, P Martikainen
Epidemiology 28 (4), 587-593, 2017
Immigration history, entry jobs and the labor market integration of immigrants
L Ansala, O Åslund, M Sarvimäki
Journal of Economic Geography 22 (3), 581-604, 2022
1990-luvun maahanmuuttajien työllisyys, tuloverot ja tulonsiirrot
K Hämäläinen, A Kangasharju, S Pekkala, M Sarvimäki
Työpoliittinen tutkimus nro 265, 2005
Social interaction in the family: Evidence from investors’ security holdings
S Knüpfer, EH Rantapuska, M Sarvimäki
Review of Finance 27 (4), 1297–1327, 2022
Integroitumista vai eriytymistä? Maahanmuuttajalapset ja -nuoret Suomessa
L Ansala, U Hämäläinen, M Sarvimäki
Kela, 2014
Managing refugee protection crises: Policy lessons from economics and political science
D Hangartner, M Sarvimäki, J Spirig
Journal of the Finnish Economic Association 2 (1), 1-24, 2021
Agglomeration in the periphery
M Sarvimäki
Spatial Economics Research Centre (SERC), London School of Economics and …, 2011
Kaksivuotisen esiopetuksen kokeilu: Väliraportti
M Sarvimäki, M Alasuutari, O Harjunen, A Holvio, R Izadi, M Kalland, ...
Ministry of Education and Culture, 2023
Kotoutumissuunnitelmien vaikutukset maahanmuuttajien lasten koulutusvalintoihin (TEM)
K Hämäläinen, H Pesola, M Sarvimäki
Työ-ja elinkeinoministeriö, 2015
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Articles 1–20