Patrick Salter
Cited by
Cited by
Laser writing of coherent colour centres in diamond
YC Chen, PS Salter, S Knauer, L Weng, AC Frangeskou, CJ Stephen, ...
Nature Photonics 11 (2), 77-80, 2017
Adaptive optics in laser processing
PS Salter, MJ Booth
Light: Science & Applications 8 (1), 110, 2019
On-chip low loss heralded source of pure single photons
JB Spring, PS Salter, BJ Metcalf, PC Humphreys, M Moore, ...
Optics Express 21 (11), 13522-13532, 2013
Laser writing of individual nitrogen-vacancy defects in diamond with near-unity yield
YC Chen, B Griffiths, L Weng, SS Nicley, SN Ishmael, Y Lekhai, ...
Optica 6 (5), 662-667, 2019
Three dimensional laser microfabrication in diamond using a dual adaptive optics system
RD Simmonds, PS Salter, A Jesacher, MJ Booth
Optics express 19 (24), 24122-24128, 2011
Four-dimensional light shaping: manipulating ultrafast spatiotemporal foci in space and time
B Sun, PS Salter, C Roider, A Jesacher, J Strauss, J Heberle, M Schmidt, ...
Light: Science & Applications 7 (1), 17117-17117, 2018
Adaptive slit beam shaping for direct laser written waveguides
PS Salter, A Jesacher, JB Spring, BJ Metcalf, N Thomas-Peter, ...
Optics letters 37 (4), 470-472, 2012
High conductivity micro-wires in diamond following arbitrary paths
B Sun, PS Salter, MJ Booth
Applied Physics Letters 105 (23), 2014
Laser writing of scalable single color centers in silicon carbide
YC Chen, PS Salter, M Niethammer, M Widmann, F Kaiser, R Nagy, ...
Nano letters 19 (4), 2377-2383, 2019
Exploring the depth range for three-dimensional laser machining with aberration correction
PS Salter, M Baum, I Alexeev, M Schmidt, MJ Booth
Optics express 22 (15), 17644-17656, 2014
Inscription of 3D waveguides in diamond using an ultrafast laser
A Courvoisier, MJ Booth, PS Salter
Applied Physics Letters 109 (3), 031109, 2016
Aberration correction for direct laser written waveguides in a transverse geometry
L Huang, PS Salter, F Payne, MJ Booth
Optics Express 24 (10), 10565-10574, 2016
Short pitch cholesteric electro-optical device based on periodic polymer structures
G Carbone, P Salter, SJ Elston, P Raynes, L De Sio, S Ferjani, G Strangi, ...
Applied Physics Letters 95 (1), 2009
Antimony thin films demonstrate programmable optical nonlinearity
Z Cheng, T Milne, P Salter, JS Kim, S Humphrey, M Booth, H Bhaskaran
Science advances 7 (1), eabd7097, 2021
Flexoelectric measurements of a bent-core nematic liquid crystal
PS Salter, C Tschierske, SJ Elston, EP Raynes
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 84 (3 …, 2011
Pulse front adaptive optics: a new method for control of ultrashort laser pulses
B Sun, PS Salter, MJ Booth
Optics express 23 (15), 19348-19357, 2015
Dynamic control of directional asymmetry observed in ultrafast laser direct writing
PS Salter, MJ Booth
Applied Physics Letters 101 (14), 2012
Deep three-dimensional solid-state qubit arrays with long-lived spin coherence
CJ Stephen, BL Green, YND Lekhai, L Weng, P Hill, S Johnson, ...
Physical Review Applied 12 (6), 064005, 2019
Addressable microlens array for parallel laser microfabrication
PS Salter, MJ Booth
Optics letters 36 (12), 2302-2304, 2011
Effects of aberrations in spatiotemporal focusing of ultrashort laser pulses
B Sun, PS Salter, MJ Booth
JOSA A 31 (4), 765-772, 2014
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Articles 1–20