Zebo Xu
Zebo Xu
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Cited by
Sedentary behavior and problematic smartphone use in Chinese adolescents: the moderating role of self-control
MQ Xiang, L Lin, ZR Wang, J Li, Z Xu, M Hu
Frontiers in Psychology 10, 3032, 2020
The positive effect of moderate-intensity exercise on the mirror neuron system: an fNIRS study
Z Xu, M Hu, ZR Wang, J Li, XH Hou, MQ Xiang
Frontiers in psychology 10, 986, 2019
Objective ages of acquisition for 3300+ simplified Chinese characters
ZG Cai, S Huang, Z Xu, N Zhao
Behavior Research Methods 54 (1), 311-323, 2022
Effect of acute moderate-intensity exercise on the mirror neuron system: role of cardiovascular fitness level
Z Xu, ZR Wang, J Li, M Hu, MQ Xiang
Frontiers in Psychology 11, 312, 2020
Effect of a combined exercise and dietary intervention on self-control in obese adolescents
MQ Xiang, JW Liao, JH Huang, HL Deng, D Wang, Z Xu, M Hu
Frontiers in Psychology 10, 1385, 2019
Sedentary behavior, physical exercise, and cellphone use time among early adolescents: the moderating but not mediating role of self-control
MQ Xiang, ZR Wang, Z Xu, P Sun, L Zhang
Current Psychology, 1-10, 2021
Syntactic encoding in written language production by deaf writers: A structural priming study and a comparison with hearing writers.
ZG Cai, N Zhao, H Lin, Z Xu, P Thierfelder
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 49 (6), 974, 2023
Assessing penmanship of Chinese handwriting: A deep learning-based approach
Z Xu, PS Mittal, M Ahmed, C Adak, ZG Cai
Reading and Writing, 1-21, 2024
Constructing a 30-item test for character amnesia in Chinese
S Langsford, Z Xu, ZG Cai
Reading and Writing, 1-21, 2024
Chinese Character Handwriting: Lexical Effects, Individual Differences, Character Amnesia, and Developmental Dysgraphia
Z Xu, ZG Cai
Routledge International Handbook of Visual-motor skills, Handwriting, and …, 0
Phonological Deficits in the Comorbidity of Chinese Developmental Dyslexia and Dysgraphia
J Tang, Y He, Z Xu, ZG Cai
Lexical Effects, Individual Differences, Character Amnesia, and Developmental Dysgraphia
Z Xu, ZG Cai
Routledge International Handbook of Visual-motor skills, Handwriting, and …, 2023
23 Chinese Character Handwriting: Lexical Effects, Individual Differences, Character Amnesia, and Developmental Dysgraphia
Z Xu, ZG Cai
Routledge International Handbook of Visual-Motor Skills, Handwriting, and …, 0
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