Khor CC (Chiea Chuen Khor)
Khor CC (Chiea Chuen Khor)
Group Leader, Division of Human Genetics, Genome Institute of
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Cited by
LoFreq: a sequence-quality aware, ultra-sensitive variant caller for uncovering cell-population heterogeneity from high-throughput sequencing datasets
A Wilm, PPK Aw, D Bertrand, GHT Yeo, SH Ong, CH Wong, CC Khor, ...
Nucleic acids research 40 (22), 11189-11201, 2012
The genetic architecture of type 2 diabetes
C Fuchsberger, J Flannick, TM Teslovich, A Mahajan, V Agarwala, ...
Nature 536 (7614), 41-47, 2016
Genome-wide trans-ancestry meta-analysis provides insight into the genetic architecture of type 2 diabetes susceptibility
DIAbetes Genetics Replication And Meta-analysis (DIAGRAM) Consortium
Nature genetics 46 (3), 234-244, 2014
High-density genetic mapping identifies new susceptibility loci for rheumatoid arthritis
S Eyre, J Bowes, D Diogo, A Lee, A Barton, P Martin, A Zhernakova, ...
Nature genetics 44 (12), 1336-1340, 2012
A catalog of genetic loci associated with kidney function from analyses of a million individuals
M Wuttke, Y Li, M Li, KB Sieber, MF Feitosa, M Gorski, A Tin, L Wang, ...
Nature genetics 51 (6), 957-972, 2019
The power of genetic diversity in genome-wide association studies of lipids
SE Graham, SL Clarke, KHH Wu, S Kanoni, GJM Zajac, S Ramdas, ...
Nature 600 (7890), 675-679, 2021
Genome-wide association study in individuals of South Asian ancestry identifies six new type 2 diabetes susceptibility loci
JS Kooner, D Saleheen, X Sim, J Sehmi, W Zhang, P Frossard, LF Been, ...
Nature genetics 43 (10), 984-989, 2011
A Mal functional variant is associated with protection against invasive pneumococcal disease, bacteremia, malaria and tuberculosis
CC Khor, SJ Chapman, FO Vannberg, A Dunne, C Murphy, EY Ling, ...
Nature genetics 39 (4), 523-528, 2007
A saturated map of common genetic variants associated with human height
L Yengo, S Vedantam, E Marouli, J Sidorenko, E Bartell, S Sakaue, ...
Nature 610 (7933), 704-712, 2022
Genome-wide meta-analyses of multiancestry cohorts identify multiple new susceptibility loci for refractive error and myopia
VJM Verhoeven, PG Hysi, R Wojciechowski, Q Fan, JA Guggenheim, ...
Nature genetics 45 (3), 314-318, 2013
The trans-ancestral genomic architecture of glycemic traits
J Chen, CN Spracklen, G Marenne, A Varshney, LJ Corbin, J Luan, ...
Nature genetics 53 (6), 840-860, 2021
Multi-ancestry genetic study of type 2 diabetes highlights the power of diverse populations for discovery and translation
A Mahajan, CN Spracklen, W Zhang, MCY Ng, LE Petty, H Kitajima, ...
Nature genetics 54 (5), 560-572, 2022
Impact of common genetic determinants of Hemoglobin A1c on type 2 diabetes risk and diagnosis in ancestrally diverse populations: A transethnic genome-wide meta-analysis
E Wheeler, A Leong, CT Liu, MF Hivert, RJ Strawbridge, C Podmore, M Li, ...
PLoS medicine 14 (9), e1002383, 2017
Identification of type 2 diabetes loci in 433,540 East Asian individuals
CN Spracklen, M Horikoshi, YJ Kim, K Lin, F Bragg, S Moon, K Suzuki, ...
Nature 582 (7811), 240-245, 2020
Genome-wide association study identifies FCGR2A as a susceptibility locus for Kawasaki disease
CC Khor, S Davila, WB Breunis, YC Lee, C Shimizu, VJ Wright, ...
Nature genetics 43 (12), 1241-1246, 2011
Trans-ancestry genome-wide association study identifies 12 genetic loci influencing blood pressure and implicates a role for DNA methylation
N Kato, M Loh, F Takeuchi, N Verweij, X Wang, W Zhang, TN Kelly, ...
Nature genetics 47 (11), 1282-1293, 2015
Genome-wide association analyses identify multiple loci associated with central corneal thickness and keratoconus
Y Lu, V Vitart, KP Burdon, CC Khor, Y Bykhovskaya, A Mirshahi, ...
Nature genetics 45 (2), 155-163, 2013
Prediction of susceptibility to first-line tuberculosis drugs by DNA sequencing
CRyPTIC Consortium and the 100,000 Genomes Project
New England Journal of Medicine 379 (15), 1403-1415, 2018
Genome-wide association study identifies variants in the CFH region associated with host susceptibility to meningococcal disease
Nature genetics 42 (9), 772-776, 2010
Generation of human PSC-derived kidney organoids with patterned nephron segments and a de novo vascular network
JH Low, P Li, EGY Chew, B Zhou, K Suzuki, T Zhang, MM Lian, M Liu, ...
Cell stem cell 25 (3), 373-387. e9, 2019
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Articles 1–20