Antoinette Landor
Antoinette Landor
Assistant Professor of Human Development and Family Science, University of Missouri
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Cited by
The role of religiosity in the relationship between parents, peers, and adolescent risky sexual behavior
A Landor, LG Simons, RL Simons, GH Brody, FX Gibbons
Journal of youth and adolescence 40, 296-309, 2011
Exploring the impact of skin tone on family dynamics and race-related outcomes.
AM Landor, LG Simons, RL Simons, GH Brody, CM Bryant, FX Gibbons, ...
Journal of Family Psychology 27 (5), 817, 2013
Skin-tone trauma: Historical and contemporary influences on the health and interpersonal outcomes of African Americans
AM Landor, S McNeil Smith
Perspectives on Psychological Science 14 (5), 797-815, 2019
Relational schemas, hostile romantic relationships, and beliefs about marriage among young African American adults
RL Simons, LG Simons, MK Lei, AM Landor
Journal of social and personal relationships 29 (1), 77-101, 2012
Toward a better understanding of African American families: Development of the sociocultural family stress model
S McNeil Smith, AM Landor
Journal of Family Theory & Review 10 (2), 434-450, 2018
Factors linking childhood experiences to adult romantic relationships among African Americans.
LG Simons, RL Simons, AM Landor, CM Bryant, SRH Beach
Journal of family psychology 28 (3), 368, 2014
Toward an understanding of racial and ethnic diversity in body image among women
VR Winter, LK Danforth, A Landor, D Pevehouse-Pfeiffer
Social Work Research 43 (2), 69-80, 2019
Why virginity pledges succeed or fail: The moderating effect of religious commitment versus religious participation
AM Landor, LG Simons
Journal of child and family studies 23, 1102-1113, 2014
Married Black men's opinions as to why Black women are disproportionately single: A qualitative study
TR Hurt, SE McElroy, KJ Sheats, AM Landor, CM Bryant
Personal Relationships 21 (1), 88-109, 2014
Microaggressions and diurnal cortisol: Examining within-person associations among African-American and Latino young adults
KH Zeiders, AM Landor, M Flores, A Brown
Journal of Adolescent Health 63 (4), 482-488, 2018
Politics of respectability, colorism, and the terms of social exchange in family research
A Landor, A Barr
Journal of Family Theory & Review 10 (2), 330-347, 2018
JW Comrie, AM Landor, KT Riley, JD Williamson
Available here: https://www. bu. edu/antiracism-center/files/2022/06/Anti …, 2023
Within‐person associations between racial microaggressions and sleep among African American and Latinx young adults
MA Davenport, AM Landor, KH Zeiders, ED Sarsar, M Flores
Journal of sleep research 30 (4), e13226, 2021
The enduring significance of skin tone: Linking skin tone, attitudes toward marriage and cohabitation, and sexual behavior
AM Landor, CT Halpern
Journal of youth and adolescence 45, 986-1002, 2016
Relationship contexts as sources of socialization: An exploration of intimate partner violence experiences of economically disadvantaged African American adolescents
AM Landor, TR Hurt, T Futris, AW Barton, SE McElroy, K Sheats
Journal of child and family studies 26, 1274-1284, 2017
The Sociostructural-Intersectional Body Image (SIBI) framework: Understanding the impact of white supremacy in body image research and practice
AM Landor, VLR Winter, IB Thurston, J Chan, N Craddock, BA Ladd, ...
Body Image 48, 101674, 2024
Gender differences in the dating experiences of African American young adults: The challenge of forming romantic relationships within the context of power imbalance
LG Simons, TE Sutton, AM Landor, AB Barr, CM Bryant, EM Granberg
Youth & Society 53 (1), 3-25, 2021
Colorizing self-esteem among African American young women: Linking skin tone, parental support, and sexual health
AM Landor, LG Simons, EM Granberg, JN Melby
Journal of Child and Family Studies 28, 1886-1898, 2019
Ethnic-racial and religious identity as mediators of relations between ethnic-racial socialization and prosocial behaviors among Black young adults
S Maiya, G Carlo, AM Landor, MK Memmott-Elison
Journal of Black Psychology 47 (1), 31-50, 2021
Sexual behaviors and health practices among student service members and veterans
DL Albright, AM Landor, JT McDaniel, K Godfrey, KL Fletcher, KH Thomas, ...
Archives of Sexual behavior 48, 2595-2604, 2019
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Articles 1–20