Annick Masselot
Annick Masselot
Professor of Law, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
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Reconciling work and family life in EU law and policy
A Masselot, E Caracciolo di Torella
Palgrave Macmillan, 2010
The state of gender equality law in the European Union
A Masselot
European Law Journal 13 (2), 152-168, 2007
Importing EU norms: Conceptual framework and empirical findings
A Björkdahl, N Chaban, J Leslie, A Masselot
Springer, 2015
Walking into the footprint of EU law: Unpacking the gendered consequences of Brexit
R Guerrina, A Masselot
Social Policy and Society 17 (2), 319-330, 2018
EU-Asia Free Trade Agreements as tools for social norm/legislation transfer
M Garcia, A Masselot
Asia Europe Journal 13, 241-252, 2015
Does European Union Studies have a gender problem? Experiences from researching Brexit
HMRRC Roberta Guerrina, Toni Haastrup, Katharine A.M. Wright, Annick Masselot
International Feminist Journal of Politics 20 (2), 252-257, 2018
The New Equal Treatment Directive: Plus Ça Change...
A Masselot
Feminist Legal Studies 12, 93-104, 2004
Pregnancy, maternity and the organisation of family life: an attempt to classify the case law of the Court of Justice
E Caracciolo di Torella, A Masselot
European Law Review 26 (3), 239-260, 2001
Introduction: to take or not to take EU norms? Adoption, adaptation, resistance and rejection
A Björkdahl, N Chaban, J Leslie, A Masselot
Importing EU norms: Conceptual framework and empirical findings, 1-9, 2015
The Value of Gender Equality in EU-Asian Trade Policy: An Assessment of the EU’s Ability to Implement Its Own Legal Obligations
M Garcia, A Masselot
Importing EU Norms: Conceptual Framework and Empirical Findings, 191-209, 2015
Gender equality law and identity building for Europe
J Bain, A Masselot
Canterbury L. Rev. 18, 97, 2012
Multiple discrimination and intersectional disadvantages: Challenges and opportunities in the European Union legal framework
J Bullock, A Masselot
Colum. J. Eur. L. 19, 57, 2012
Exposing gender inequalities: Impacts of COVID-19 on Aotearoa ǀ New Zealand employment
A Masselot, M Hayes
New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations 45 (2), 57-69, 2020
Caring responsibilities in European law and policy: who cares?
E Caracciolo Di Torella, A Masselot
(No Title), 2020
Fighting discrimination on the grounds of pregnancy, maternity and parenthood: The application of EU and national law in practice in 33 European countries
A Masselot, E Caracciolo Di Torella, S Burri
EUR-OP, 2012
Pregnancy, maternity and the organisation of Family Life: an attempt to classify the case law of the Court of Justice
EC Di Torella, AM Masselot
European Law Review 26, 239-260, 2001
Highly Skilled Migrants and Transnational Care Practices: Balancing Work, Life and Crisis over Large Geographical Distances
A Masselot
Canterbury Law Review 17 (2), 299-315, 2011
Under construction: EU family law
EC di Torella, A Masselot
European Law Review 29 (1), 32-51, 2004
Introduction. Asia-Europe dialogue on norms: revisiting the role of norm-receivers in the conceptualisation of the ‘normative power Europe’
N Chaban, A Masselot, K Vadura
Asia Europe Journal 13, 233-239, 2015
Gender implications of the right to request flexible working arrangements: Raising pigs and children in New Zealand
A Masselot
New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations 39 (3), 59-71, 2015
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Articles 1–20