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Burnout–depression overlap: A review
R Bianchi, IS Schonfeld, E Laurent
Clinical psychology review 36, 28-41, 2015
Burnout and depression: two entities or one?
IS Schonfeld, R Bianchi
Journal of clinical psychology 72 (1), 22-37, 2016
Comparative symptomatology of burnout and depression
R Bianchi, C Boffy, C Hingray, D Truchot, E Laurent
Journal of health psychology 18 (6), 782-787, 2013
Is burnout a depressive disorder? A reexamination with special focus on atypical depression.
R Bianchi, IS Schonfeld, E Laurent
International Journal of Stress Management 21 (4), 307, 2014
Is it time to consider the “burnout syndrome” a distinct illness?
R Bianchi, IS Schonfeld, E Laurent
Frontiers in public health 3, 158, 2015
Harmonized definition of occupational burnout: A systematic review, semantic analysis, and Delphi consensus in 29 countries
IG Canu, SC Marca, F Dell’Oro, Á Balázs, E Bergamaschi, C Besse, ...
Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health 47 (2), 95, 2021
Is burnout solely job‐related? A critical comment
R Bianchi, D Truchot, E Laurent, R Brisson, IS Schonfeld
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 55 (4), 357-361, 2014
Effects of stress and mental toughness on burnout and depressive symptoms: A prospective study with young elite athletes
M Gerber, S Best, F Meerstetter, M Walter, S Ludyga, S Brand, R Bianchi, ...
Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 21 (12), 1200-1205, 2018
Is burnout separable from depression in cluster analysis? A longitudinal study
R Bianchi, IS Schonfeld, E Laurent
Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology 50, 1005-1011, 2015
Burnout: Moving beyond the status quo.
R Bianchi, IS Schonfeld, E Laurent
International journal of stress management 26 (1), 36, 2019
Psychometric properties of burnout measures: A systematic review
Y Shoman, SC Marca, R Bianchi, L Godderis, HF Van der Molen, IG Canu
Epidemiology and psychiatric sciences 30, e8, 2021
Burnout is more strongly linked to neuroticism than to work-contextualized factors
R Bianchi
Psychiatry Research 270, 901-905, 2018
Burnout is associated with a depressive cognitive style
R Bianchi, IS Schonfeld
Personality and Individual Differences 100, 1-5, 2016
Is burnout a depressive condition? A 14-sample meta-analytic and bifactor analytic study
R Bianchi, J Verkuilen, IS Schonfeld, JJ Hakanen, M Jansson-Fröjmark, ...
Clinical Psychological Science 9 (4), 579-597, 2021
Burnout and depression: Causal attributions and construct overlap
R Bianchi, R Brisson
Journal of health psychology 24 (11), 1574-1580, 2019
Consequences of job stress for the mental health of teachers
IS Schonfeld, R Bianchi, P Luehring-Jones
Educator stress: An occupational health perspective, 55-75, 2017
Burnout and depression: Label-related stigma, help-seeking, and syndrome overlap
R Bianchi, J Verkuilen, R Brisson, IS Schonfeld, E Laurent
Psychiatry research 245, 91-98, 2016
Emotional information processing in depression and burnout: an eye-tracking study
R Bianchi, E Laurent
European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience 265, 27-34, 2015
Inquiry into the correlation between burnout and depression.
IS Schonfeld, J Verkuilen, R Bianchi
Journal of occupational health psychology 24 (6), 603, 2019
Confirmatory factor analysis of the maslach burnout Inventory
LT De Beer, R Bianchi
European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 2017
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Articles 1–20