Anne Duperret
Anne Duperret
Universite Le Havre Normandie
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Structure and distribution of cold seep communities along the Peruvian active margin: relationship to geological and fluid patterns
K Olu, A Duperret, M Sibuet, JP Foucher, A Fiala-Médioni
Marine Ecology Progress Series 132, 109-125, 1996
Micro-seismic precursory cracks prior to rock-fall on coastal chalk cliffs: a case study at Mesnil-Val, Normandie, NW France
G Senfaute, A Duperret, JA Lawrence
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 9 (5), 1625-1641, 2009
Effect of groundwater and sea weathering cycles on the strength of chalk rock from unstable coastal cliffs of NW France
A Duperret, S Taibi, RN Mortimore, M Daigneault
Engineering Geology 78 (3-4), 321-343, 2005
Coastal chalk cliff instability in NW France: role of lithology, fracture pattern and rainfall
A Duperret, A Genter, A Martinez, RN Mortimore
Geological Society, London, Engineering Geology Special Publications 20 (1 …, 2004
Coastal cliff geohazards in weak rock: the UK Chalk cliffs of Sussex
RN Mortimore, J Lawrence, D Pope, A Duperret, A Genter
Geological Society, London, Engineering Geology Special Publications 20 (1 …, 2004
Coastal rock cliff erosion by collapse at Puys, France: the role of impervious marl seams within chalk of NW Europe
A Duperret, A Genter, RN Mortimore, B Delacourt, MR De Pomerai
Journal of Coastal Research, 52-61, 2002
The effect of suction on the hydro-mechanical behaviour of chalk rocks
S Taibi, A Duperret, JM Fleureau
Engineering Geology 106 (1-2), 40-50, 2009
Chalk physical properties and cliff instability
RN Mortimore, KJ Stone, J Lawrence, A Duperret
Geological Society, London, Engineering Geology Special Publications 20 (1 …, 2004
Late Holocene seacliff retreat recorded by 10Be profiles across a coastal platform: Theory and example from the English Channel
V Regard, T Dewez, DL Bourlès, RS Anderson, A Duperret, S Costa, ...
Quaternary Geochronology 11, 87-97, 2012
Slope instabilities at an active continental margin: Large-scale polyphase submarine slides along the northern Peruvian margin, between 5 S and 6 S
A Duperret, J Bourgois, Y Lagabrielle, E Suess
Marine Geology 122 (4), 303-328, 1995
Coastal chalk cliff instability
RN Mortimore, A Duperret
Geological Society of London, 2004
Coastal chalk cliff erosion: experimental investigation on the role of marine factors
J Brossard, A Duperret
Geological Society, London, Engineering Geology Special Publications 20 (1 …, 2004
Multiscale fracture analysis along the French chalk coastline for investigating erosion by cliff collapse
A Genter, A Duperret, A Martinez, RN Mortimore, JL Vila
Geological Society, London, Engineering Geology Special Publications 20 (1 …, 2004
Shore platform lowering due to frost shattering during the 2009 winter at Mesnil Val, English channel coast, NW France
TJB Dewez, V Regard, A Duperret, E Lasseur
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 40 (12), 1688-1700, 2015
How plate tectonics is recorded in chalk deposits along the eastern English Channel in Normandy (France) and Sussex (UK)
A Duperret, S Vandycke, RN Mortimore, A Genter
Tectonophysics 581, 163-181, 2012
Numerical and physical modelling of coastal cliff retreat processes between La Hève and Antifer capes, Normandy (NW France)
J Le Cossec, A Duperret, BC Vendeville, S Taibi
Tectonophysics 510 (1-2), 104-123, 2011
Coastal chalk cliff retreat rates during the Holocene, inferred from submarine platform morphology and cosmogenic exposure along the Normandy coast (NW France)
T Duguet, A Duperret, S Costa, V Regard, G Maillet
Marine Geology 433, 106405, 2021
Quaternary geomorphological evolution of a granitic shore platform constrained by in situ 10Be concentrations, Penmarc’h, SW Brittany, France
C Raimbault, A Duperret, V Regard, S Molliex, R Wyns, C Authemayou, ...
Marine Geology 395, 33-47, 2018
High-resolution onshore–offshore morpho-bathymetric records of modern chalk and granitic shore platforms in NW France
A Duperret, C Raimbault, B Le Gall, C Authemayou, B van Vliet-Lanoë, ...
Comptes Rendus. Géoscience 348 (6), 422-431, 2016
L'instabilité des falaises de la Manche en Haute-Normandie. Analyse couplée de la lithostratigraphie, de la fracturation et des effondrements
Bulletin d'information des Géologues du Bassin de Paris 39 (1), 6-26, 2002
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Articles 1–20