Zaheer Khan
Cited by
Cited by
Key drivers and research challenges for 6G ubiquitous wireless intelligence
M Latva-Aho, K Leppänen
University of Oulu, 2019
A comprehensive guide to 5G security
M Liyanage, I Ahmad, AB Abro, A Gurtov, M Ylianttila
John Wiley & Sons, 2018
Game theory for wireless communications and networking
Y Zhang, M Guizani
CRC press, 2011
Networked twins and twins of networks: An overview on the relationship between digital twins and 6G
H Ahmadi, A Nag, Z Khar, K Sayrafian, S Rahardja
IEEE Communications Standards Magazine 5 (4), 154-160, 2021
On the selection of the best detection performance sensors for cognitive radio networks
Z Khan, J Lehtomaki, K Umebayashi, J Vartiainen
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 17 (4), 359-362, 2010
Autonomous sensing order selection strategies exploiting channel access information
Z Khan, JJ Lehtomäki, LA DaSilva, M Latva-aho
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 12 (2), 274-288, 2011
Carrier aggregation/channel bonding in next generation cellular networks: Methods and challenges
Z Khan, H Ahmadi, E Hossain, M Coupechoux, LA DaSilva, JJ Lehtomäki
IEEE network 28 (6), 34-40, 2014
Modeling the dynamics of coalition formation games for cooperative spectrum sharing in an interference channel
Z Khan, S Glisic, LA DaSilva, J Lehtomäki
IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games 3 (1), 17-30, 2010
Spectrum options and allocations for 6G: A regulatory and standardization review
WK Alsaedi, H Ahmadi, Z Khan, D Grace
IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, 2023
Opportunistic spectrum sharing and white space access: The practical reality
O Holland, H Bogucka, A Medeisis
John Wiley & Sons, 2015
On opportunistic spectrum access in radar bands: Lessons learned from measurement of weather radar signals
Z Khan, JJ Lehtomaki, R Vuohtoniemi, E Hossain, LA DaSilva
IEEE Wireless Communications 23 (3), 40-48, 2016
Wireless traffic usage forecasting using real enterprise network data: Analysis and methods
SP Sone, JJ Lehtomäki, Z Khan
IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society 1, 777-797, 2020
IoT connectivity in radar bands: A shared access model based on spectrum measurements
Z Khan, JJ Lehtomaki, SI Iellamo, R Vuohtoniemi, E Hossain, Z Han
IEEE Communications Magazine 55 (2), 88-96, 2017
A convolutional neural network approach for classification of lpwan technologies: Sigfox, lora and ieee 802.15. 4g
A Shahid, J Fontaine, M Camelo, J Haxhibeqiri, M Saelens, Z Khan, ...
2019 16th Annual IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication …, 2019
Placement of 5G drone base stations by data field clustering
S Iellamo, JJ Lehtomaki, Z Khan
2017 IEEE 85th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring), 1-5, 2017
On selfish and altruistic coalition formation in cognitive radio networks
Z Khan, J Lehtomäki, M Latva-aho, LA DaSilva
2010 Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Cognitive Radio …, 2010
Exploring radio environment map architectures for spectrum sharing in the radar bands
F Paisana, Z Khan, J Lehtomäki, LA DaSilva, R Vuohtoniemi
2016 23rd International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT), 1-6, 2016
Stability studies and characterization of glutathione-loaded nanoemulsion
NU Khan, A Ali, H Khan, ZU Khan, Z Ahmed
J. Cosmet. Sci 69 (4), 257-267, 2018
Opportunistic channel selection by cognitive wireless nodes under imperfect observations and limited memory: A repeated game model
Z Khan, JJ Lehtomäki, LA DaSilva, E Hossain, M Latva-Aho
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 15 (1), 173-187, 2015
Throughput-efficient dynamic coalition formation in distributed cognitive radio networks
Z Khan, J Lehtomäki, M Codreanu, M Latva-aho, LA DaSilva
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2010 (1), 653913, 2010
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Articles 1–20