Jill Griffiths
Cited by
Cited by
Student searching behavior and the web: use of academic resources and Google
JR Griffiths, P Brophy
Graduate School of Library and Information Science. University of Illinois …, 2005
Cultural sustainability as a strategy for the survival of museums and libraries
K Loach, J Rowley, J Griffiths
International journal of cultural policy 23 (2), 186-198, 2017
User satisfaction as a measure of system performance
JR Griffiths, F Johnson, RJ Hartley
Journal of Librarianship and Information Science 39 (3), 142-152, 2007
Student searching behaviour in the JISC Information Environment
JR Griffiths, P Brophy
UKOLN, 2002
An improved method of studying user-system interaction by combining transaction log analysis and protocol analysis
JR Griffiths, RJ Hartley, JP Willson
Information Research, 2002
Communicating knowledge: How and why researchers publish and disseminate their findings
J Fry, C Oppenheim, C Creaser, W Johnson, M Summers, S White, ...
Supporting paper 4, 2009
Task dimensions of user evaluation of information retrieval systems
FC Johnson, JR Griffiths, RJ Hartley
Information research 8 (4), 2003
Academic use of digital resources: Disciplinary differences and the issue of progression
C Jones, M Zenios, J Griffiths
Networked Learning 2004 Conference, 8, 2004
DEVISE: a framework for the evaluation of Internet search engines
FC Johnson, JR Griffiths, RJ Hartley
CERLIM (Centre for Research in Library and Information Management), 2001
30,000 different users... 30,000 different needs? Design and delivery of distributed resources to your user community
J Craven, JR Griffiths
Libraries without walls 4, 173-186, 2002
Evaluation of the JISC Information Environment: student perceptions of services
JR Griffiths
Information Research 8 (4), 8-4, 2003
PATHS: Personalising access to cultural heritage spaces
K Fernie, J Griffiths, M Stevenson, P Clough, P Goodale, M Hall, P Archer, ...
2012 18th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia, 469-474, 2012
The DiSCmap project: Digitisation of special collections: mapping, assessment, prioritisation
D Birrell, M Dobreva, G Dunsire, JR Griffiths, RJ Hartley, K Menzies
New Library World 112 (1/2), 19-44, 2011
NICE evidence search: Student peers' views on their involvement as trainers in peer-based information literacy training
L Sbaffi, F Johnson, J Griffiths, J Rowley, A Weist
The Journal of Academic Librarianship 41 (2), 201-206, 2015
Supporting information access and sensemaking in digital cultural heritage environments
P Goodale, P Clough, M Hall, M Stevenson, K Fernie, J Griffiths
Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries--TPDL 2013 Selected Workshops: LCPD …, 2014
A quality management approach to the evaluation of digital library services
JR Griffiths, S Fisher
Fourth DELOS Workshop. Evaluation of Digital Libraries: Testbeds …, 2002
Development of a specification for a full text CD-ROM user interface
JR Griffiths
Manchester Metropolitan University, 1996
EDNER: formative evaluation of the Distributed National Electronic Resource: DNER service evaluation (Deliverable MDA 2, EDNER Project)
P Brophy, S Fisher, JR Griffiths, M Markland
Manchester: CERLIM.[Online] http://www. cerlim. ac. uk/edner/dissem/dissem. html, 2003
PATHS–Exploring digital cultural heritage spaces
M Hall, E Agirre, N Aletras, R Bergheim, K Chandrinos, P Clough, ...
Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries: Second International Conference …, 2012
Access, delivery, performance: the future of libraries without walls: a festschrift to celebrate the work of Professor Peter Brophy
JR Griffiths, J Craven
(No Title), 2009
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Articles 1–20