Elan Alford
Elan Alford
Mt. Cuba Center
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Metallophytes—a view from the rhizosphere
ÉR Alford, EAH Pilon-Smits, MW Paschke
Plant and soil 337, 33-50, 2010
Screening of grassland plants for restoration after spotted knapweed invasion
LG Perry, C Johnson, ÉR Alford, JM Vivanco, MW Paschke
Restoration Ecology 13 (4), 725-735, 2005
Selenium Distribution and Speciation in the Hyperaccumulator Astragalus bisulcatus and Associated Ecological Partners
JR Valdez Barillas, CF Quinn, JL Freeman, SD Lindblom, SC Fakra, ...
Plant Physiology 159 (4), 1834-1844, 2012
A putative allelopathic agent of Russian knapweed occurs in invaded soils
ÉR Alford, LG Perry, B Qin, JM Vivanco, MW Paschke
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 39 (7), 1812-1815, 2007
Selenium hyperaccumulation by Astragalus (Fabaceae) does not inhibit root nodule symbiosis
ÉR Alford, EAH Pilon‐Smits, SC Fakra, MW Paschke
American Journal of Botany 99 (12), 1930-1941, 2012
11 Chemical Signals in the Rhizosphere: Root–Root and Root–Microbe Communication
LG Perry, ER Alford, J Horiuchi, MW Paschke, JM Vivanco
The rhizosphere: biochemistry and organic substances at the soil-plant …, 2007
Roles of rhizobial symbionts in selenium hyperaccumulation in Astragalus (Fabaceae)
ÉR Alford, SD Lindblom, M Pittarello, JL Freeman, SC Fakra, MA Marcus, ...
American journal of botany 101 (11), 1895-1905, 2014
The effects of flavonoid allelochemicals from knapweeds on legume–rhizobia candidates for restoration
ÉR Alford, JM Vivanco, MW Paschke
Restoration Ecology 17 (4), 506-514, 2009
Molybdenum accumulation, tolerance and molybdenum–selenium–sulfur interactions in Astragalus selenium hyperaccumulator and nonaccumulator species
RA DeTar, ÉR Alford, EAH Pilon-Smits
Journal of Plant Physiology 183, 32-40, 2015
Plant selenium accumulation and the rhizosphere effect
ÉR Alford
Colorado State University, 2011
Soil ecological interactions of invasive knapweeds
ÉR Alford
Colorado State University, 2006
11 Chemical Signals in the
LG Perry, ÉR Alford, J Horiuchi, MW Paschke, JM Vivanco
The Rhizosphere: Biochemistry and Organic Substances at the Soil-Plant …, 2007
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