Dini Homsey
Cited by
Cited by
Organizational dissent and argumentativeness: A comparative analysis between American and Indian organizations
SM Croucher, R Braziunaite, D Homsey, G Pillai, J Saxena, A Saldanha, ...
Journal of Intercultural Communication Research 38 (3), 175-191, 2009
Prejudice toward American Muslims: An integrated threat analysis
SM Croucher, D Homsey, E Brusch, C Buyce, S DeSilva, A Thompson
Journal of Intercultural Communication 13 (2), 1-08, 2013
Will a green color and nature images make consumers pay more for a green product?
M Samaraweera, JD Sims, DM Homsey
Journal of Consumer Marketing 38 (3), 305-312, 2021
Jealousy in four nations: A cross-cultural analysis
SM Croucher, D Homsey, L Guarino, B Bohlin, J Trumpetto, A Izzo, A Huy, ...
Communication Research Reports 29 (4), 353-360, 2012
The code of food and tradition: Exploring a Lebanese (American) speech code in practice in Flatland
DM Homsey, T Sandel
Journal of intercultural communication research 41 (1), 59-80, 2012
Articulated dissent and immediacy: A cross-national analysis of the effects of COVID-19 lockdowns
SM Croucher, S Kelly, C Hui, KJ Rocker, J Cullinane, D Homsey, GG Ding, ...
International Journal of Conflict Management 33 (2), 181-202, 2021
The link between supervisor-subordinate computer-mediated immediate behaviors and organizational identification in US, English, and Australian organizations
SM Croucher, S Kelly, M Green, DM Homsey, J Cullinane, KT Rocker, ...
Management Communication Quarterly 36 (4), 688-709, 2022
Organizational socialization and workplace diversity: The case for experiential learning
DM Homsey
Organizational Culture and Behavior: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and …, 2017
How memorable socialization messages from within cultural communities shape adult meaning attributions about work: The case of Lebanese-Americans
DM Homsey
The University of Oklahoma, 2013
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Articles 1–9