Munawar Hasan
Cited by
Cited by
Cancelable multi-biometric approach using fuzzy extractor and novel bit-wise encryption
D Chang, S Garg, M Hasan, S Mishra
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 15, 3152-3167, 2020
Multi-lane detection using instance segmentation and attentive voting
D Chang, V Chirakkal, S Goswami, M Hasan, T Jung, J Kang, SC Kee, ...
2019 19th International conference on control, automation and systems (ICCAS …, 2019
BIOFUSE: A framework for multi-biometric fusion on biocryptosystem level
D Chang, S Garg, M Ghosh, M Hasan
Information Sciences 546, 481-511, 2021
Genetic algorithm and its application to big data analysis
M Hasan
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research 5 (1), 1991-1996, 2014
Spy based analysis of selfish mining attack on multi-stage blockchain
D Chang, M Hasan, P Jain
Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2019
Lynx: Family of lightweight authenticated encryption schemes based on tweakable blockcipher
M Hasan, D Chang
IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2023
On security of fuzzy commitment scheme for biometric authentication
D Chang, S Garg, M Hasan, S Mishra
Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy, 399-419, 2022
Can you tell? ssnet-a biologically-inspired neural network framework for sentiment classifiers
A Vassilev, M Hasan, H Jin
International Conference on Machine Learning, Optimization, and Data Science …, 2021
Context-Committing Authenticated Encryptions using Tweakable Stream Cipher
M Hasan, D Chang
IEEE Access, 2024
Meta learning with language models: Challenges and opportunities in the classification of imbalanced text
A Vassilev, H Jin, M Hasan
arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.15019, 2023
Can you tell? SSNet-a Sagittal Stratum-inspired Neural Network Framework for Sentiment Analysis
A Vassilev, M Hasan
Can you tell? SSNet--a Sagittal Stratum-inspired Neural Network Framework for Sentiment Analysis
A Vassilev, M Hasan, H Jin
arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.12958, 2020
Cryptanalysis of SHA2 based on perturbation technique
M Hasan, SK Sanadhya
Can you tell?
A Vassilev, M Hasan, H Jin
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Articles 1–14