Bin Wu
Bin Wu
Director, Tencent Music and Entertainment
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Crowdsourced time-sync video tagging using temporal and personalized topic modeling
B Wu, E Zhong, B Tan, A Horner, Q Yang
Proceedings of the 20th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge …, 2014
Music Emotion Recognition by Multi-label Multi-layer Multi-instance Multi-view Learning
B Wu, E Zhong, A Horner, Q Yang
The 22nd ACM International Conference on Multimedia, 117-126, 2014
Hierarchical macro strategy model for moba game ai
B Wu
Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 33 (01), 1206-1213, 2019
Musical timbre and emotion: The identification of salient timbral features in sustained musical instrument tones equalized in attack time and spectral centroid
B Wu, A Horner, C Lee
ICMC, 2014
The emotional characteristics and timbre of nonsustaining instrument sounds
CJ Chau, B Wu, A Horner
Journal of the Audio Engineering Society 63 (4), 228-244, 2015
The correspondence of music emotion and timbre in sustained musical instrument sounds
B Wu, A Horner, C Lee
Journal of the Audio Engineering Society 62 (10), 663-675, 2014
Timbre Features and Music Emotion in Plucked String, Mallet Percussion, and Keyboard Tones
CJ Chau, B Wu, A Horner
Mdan: Multi-level dependent attention network for visual emotion analysis
L Xu, Z Wang, B Wu, S Lui
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2022
The effects of reverberation on the emotional characteristics of musical instruments
R Mo, B Wu, A Horner
Journal of the Audio Engineering Society 63 (12), 966-979, 2015
Spectral Correlates in Emotion Labeling of Sustained Musical Instrument Tones.
B Wu, S Wun, C Lee, A Horner
ISMIR, 415-420, 2013
Emotional Predisposition of Musical Instrument Timbres with Static Spectra
B Wu, A Horner, C Lee
15th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, 2014
The Effects of Early-Release on Emotion Characteristics and Timbre in Non-Sustaining Musical Instrument Tones
C Chau, B Wu, A Horner
ICMC, 2015
A novel horror scene detection scheme on revised multiple instance learning model
B Wu, X Jiang, T Sun, S Zhang, X Chu, C Shen, J Fan
Advances in Multimedia Modeling: 17th International Multimedia Modeling …, 2011
Litesing: Towards fast, lightweight and expressive singing voice synthesis
X Zhuang, T Jiang, SY Chou, B Wu, P Hu, S Lui
ICASSP 2021-2021 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2021
Effect of spectral centroid manipulation on discrimination and identification of instrument timbres
S Wun, A Horner, B Wu
Journal of the Audio Engineering Society 62 (9), 575-583, 2014
Smart: Semi-supervised music emotion recognition with social tagging
B Wu, E Zhong, DH Hu, A Horner, Q Yang
SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, 279-287, 2013
Investigating Correlation between Musical Timbres and Emotions
B Wu, SCW Wun, C Lee, AB Horner
Engineering highly functional thermostable proteins using ancestral sequence reconstruction. Nat Catal 1: 878–888
Y Gumulya, JM Baek, SJ Wun, RES Thomson, KL Harris, DJB Hunter, ...
doi. org/10.1038/s41929-018-0159-5, 2018
The Effects of Reverberation Time and Amount on the Emotional Characteristics
R Mo, B Wu, A Horner
The effect of mp3 compression on the timbre space of sustained musical instrument tones
C Lee, A Horner, B Wu
Journal of the Audio Engineering Society 61 (11), 840-849, 2013
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Articles 1–20