Sebastian van der Voort
Sebastian van der Voort
Amsterdam UMC
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Cited by
Federated learning enables big data for rare cancer boundary detection
S Pati, U Baid, B Edwards, M Sheller, SH Wang, GA Reina, P Foley, ...
Nature Communications 13 (1), 1-17, 2022
Predicting the 1p/19q Codeletion Status of Presumed Low-Grade Glioma with an Externally Validated Machine Learning Algorithm
SR van der Voort, F Incekara, MMJ Wijnenga, G Kapas, M Gardeniers, ...
Clinical Cancer Research 25 (24), 7455-7462, 2019
Robustness Recipes for Minimax Robust Optimization in Intensity Modulated Proton Therapy for Oropharyngeal Cancer Patients
S van der Voort, S van de Water, Z Perkó, B Heijmen, D Lathouwers, ...
International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics 95 (1), 163-170, 2016
Radiomics: Data mining using quantitative medical image features
MPA Starmans, SR van der Voort, JMC Tovar, JF Veenland, S Klein, ...
Handbook of Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, 429-456, 2020
Radiomics approach to distinguish between well differentiated liposarcomas and lipomas on MRI
M Vos, MPA Starmans, MJM Timbergen, SR van der Voort, GA Padmos, ...
The British journal of surgery 106 (13), 1800, 2019
Combined molecular subtyping, grading, and segmentation of glioma using multi-task deep learning
SR van der Voort, F Incekara, MMJ Wijnenga, G Kapsas, R Gahrmann, ...
Neuro-oncology 25 (2), 279-289, 2023
Fast and accurate sensitivity analysis of IMPT treatment plans using Polynomial Chaos Expansion
Z Perkó, SR van der Voort, S van de Water, CMH Hartman, M Hoogeman, ...
Physics in Medicine and Biology 61 (12), 4646-4664, 2016
The Association Between the Extent of Glioblastoma Resection and Survival in Light of MGMT Promoter Methylation in 326 Patients With Newly Diagnosed IDH-Wildtype Glioblastoma
F Incekara, M Smits, S Van Der Voort, HJ Dubbink, P Atmodimedjo, J Kros, ...
Frontiers in Oncology 10, 2020
The Effect of Preprocessing on Convolutional Neural Networks for Medical Image Segmentation
KB de Raad, KA van Garderen, M Smits, SR van der Voort, F Incekara, ...
2021 IEEE 18th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 655-658, 2021
Distinguishing pure histopathological growth patterns of colorectal liver metastases on CT using deep learning and radiomics: a pilot study
MPA Starmans, FE Buisman, M Renckens, FEJA Willemssen, ...
Clinical & experimental metastasis 38, 483-494, 2021
The Erasmus Glioma Database (EGD): Structural MRI scans, WHO 2016 subtypes, and segmentations of 774 patients with glioma
SR van der Voort, F Incekara, MMJ Wijnenga, G Kapsas, R Gahrmann, ...
Data in brief 37, 107191, 2021
Classification of malignant and benign liver tumors using a radiomics approach
MPA Starmans, RL Miclea, SR Van Der Voort, WJ Niessen, MG Thomeer, ...
Medical Imaging 2018: Image Processing 10574, 343-349, 2018
Towards continuous learning for glioma segmentation with elastic weight consolidation
K van Garderen, S van der Voort, F Incekara, M Smits, S Klein
arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.11479, 2019
DeepDicomSort: an automatic sorting algorithm for brain magnetic resonance imaging data
SR van der Voort, M Smits, S Klein, ...
Neuroinformatics 19 (1), 159-184, 2021
Differences in spatial distribution between WHO 2016 low-grade glioma molecular subgroups
MMJ Wijnenga, SR van der Voort, PJ French, S Klein, HJ Dubbink, ...
Neuro-Oncology Advances 1 (1), vdz001, 2019
Topographical Mapping of 436 Newly Diagnosed IDH Wildtype Glioblastoma With vs. Without MGMT Promoter Methylation
F Incekara, SR van der Voort, HJ Dubbink, PN Atmodimedjo, ...
Frontiers in Oncology 10, 596, 2020
Reproducible radiomics through automated machine learning validated on twelve clinical applications
M Starmans, SR van der Voort, T Phil, MJM Timbergen, M Vos, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.08618, 2021
Noninvasive differentiation of molecular subtypes of adult nonenhancing glioma using MRI perfusion and diffusion parameters
IJ Pruis, SR Koene, SR van der Voort, F Incekara, AJPE Vincent, ...
Neuro-Oncology Advances 4 (1), vdac023, 2022
Evaluating the predictive value of glioma growth models for low-grade glioma after tumor resection
KA van Garderen, SR van der Voort, MMJ Wijnenga, F Incekara, ...
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 2023
EASE: clinical implementation of automated tumor segmentation and volume quantification for adult low-grade glioma
KA van Garderen, SR van der Voort, A Versteeg, M Koek, A Gutierrez, ...
Frontiers in Medicine 8, 738425, 2021
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Articles 1–20