Alexandra Mougin
Alexandra Mougin
Laboratoire de Physique des Solides
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Creep and Flow Regimes of Magnetic Domain-Wall Motion in Ultrathin Films <?format ?>with Perpendicular Anisotropy
PJ Metaxas, JP Jamet, A Mougin, M Cormier, J Ferré, V Baltz, B Rodmacq, ...
Physical review letters 99 (21), 217208, 2007
Electric-field control of magnetic order above room temperature
RO Cherifi, V Ivanovskaya, LC Phillips, A Zobelli, IC Infante, E Jacquet, ...
Nature materials 13 (4), 345-351, 2014
Domain wall mobility, stability and Walker breakdown in magnetic nanowires
A Mougin, M Cormier, JP Adam, PJ Metaxas, J Ferré
Europhysics Letters 78 (5), 57007, 2007
Electric Field Switching of the Magnetic Anisotropy of a Ferromagnetic Layer Exchange Coupled to the Multiferroic Compound
D Lebeugle, A Mougin, M Viret, D Colson, L Ranno
Physical Review Letters 103 (25), 257601, 2009
Local manipulation and reversal of the exchange bias field by ion irradiation in FeNi/FeMn double layers
A Mougin, T Mewes, M Jung, D Engel, A Ehresmann, H Schmoranzer, ...
Physical Review B 63 (6), 060409, 2001
Interfacial Control of Magnetic Properties at LaMnO3/LaNiO3 Interfaces
M Gibert, M Viret, A Torres-Pardo, C Piamonteze, P Zubko, N Jaouen, ...
Nano letters 15 (11), 7355-7361, 2015
Universal pinning energy barrier for driven domain walls in thin ferromagnetic films
V Jeudy, A Mougin, S Bustingorry, W Savero Torres, J Gorchon, AB Kolton, ...
Physical review letters 117 (5), 057201, 2016
Creep motion of a magnetic wall: Avalanche size divergence
V Repain, M Bauer, JP Jamet, J Ferré, A Mougin, C Chappert, H Bernas
Europhysics Letters 68 (3), 460, 2004
Tailoring of magnetism in Pt/Co/Pt ultrathin films by ion irradiation
A Maziewski, P Mazalski, Z Kurant, MO Liedke, J McCord, J Fassbender, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (5), 054427, 2012
Magnetic anisotropy and switching process in diluted Ga1− xMnxAs magnetic semiconductor films
GP Moore, J Ferré, A Mougin, M Moreno, L Däweritz
Journal of applied physics 94 (7), 4530-4534, 2003
Magnetic micropatterning of FeNi/FeMn exchange bias bilayers by ion irradiation
A Mougin, S Poppe, J Fassbender, B Hillebrands, G Faini, U Ebels, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 89 (11), 6606-6608, 2001
Effect of electrical current pulses on domain walls in Pt/Co/Pt nanotracks with out-of-plane anisotropy: Spin transfer torque versus Joule heating
M Cormier, A Mougin, J Ferré, A Thiaville, N Charpentier, F Piéchon, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (2), 024407, 2010
Strain-induced magnetic anisotropy in single-crystal thin films Sm, Y)
A Mougin, C Dufour, K Dumesnil, P Mangin
Physical Review B 62 (14), 9517, 2000
Universal magnetic domain wall dynamics in the presence of weak disorder
J Ferré, PJ Metaxas, A Mougin, JP Jamet, J Gorchon, V Jeudy
Comptes Rendus. Physique 14 (8), 651-666, 2013
Current-induced magnetic domain wall motion below intrinsic threshold triggered by Walker breakdown
T Koyama, K Ueda, KJ Kim, Y Yoshimura, D Chiba, K Yamada, JP Jamet, ...
Nature nanotechnology 7 (10), 635-639, 2012
Perpendicular magnetization reversal in Pt/[Co/Ni] 3/Al multilayers via the spin Hall effect of Pt
JC Rojas-Sánchez, P Laczkowski, J Sampaio, S Collin, K Bouzehouane, ...
Applied Physics Letters 108 (8), 2016
Exploration of the ultimate patterning potential achievable with high resolution focused ion beams
J Gierak, D Mailly, P Hawkes, R Jede, L Bruchhaus, L Bardotti, B Prevel, ...
Applied Physics A 80, 187-194, 2005
Exchange coupling with the multiferroic compound in antiferromagnetic multidomain films and single-domain crystals
D Lebeugle, A Mougin, M Viret, D Colson, J Allibe, H Béa, E Jacquet, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (13), 134411, 2010
Domain decoration in dipolar coupled ferromagnetic stacks with perpendicular anisotropy
S Wiebel, JP Jamet, N Vernier, A Mougin, J Ferré, V Baltz, B Rodmacq, ...
Applied Physics Letters 86 (14), 2005
Deroughening of domain wall pairs by dipolar repulsion
M Bauer, A Mougin, JP Jamet, V Repain, J Ferré, RL Stamps, H Bernas, ...
Physical review letters 94 (20), 207211, 2005
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