Heather C. Wick
Heather C. Wick
PhD Candidate, Human Genetics, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
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Cited by
Epigenetic regulation of gene expression in cancer: techniques, resources and analysis
LT Kagohara, GL Stein-O’Brien, D Kelley, E Flam, HC Wick, LV Danilova, ...
Briefings in functional genomics 17 (1), 49-63, 2018
Maternal obesity affects fetal neurodevelopmental and metabolic gene expression: a pilot study
AG Edlow, NL Vora, L Hui, HC Wick, JM Cowan, DW Bianchi
PloS one 9 (2), e88661, 2014
The amniotic fluid transcriptome: a source of novel information about human fetal development
L Hui, DK Slonim, HC Wick, KL Johnson, DW Bianchi
Obstetrics & Gynecology 119 (1), 111-118, 2012
An integrated human/murine transcriptome and pathway approach to identify prenatal treatments for Down syndrome
F Guedj, JLA Pennings, LJ Massingham, HC Wick, AE Siegel, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 32353, 2016
Amniotic fluid RNA gene expression profiling provides insights into the phenotype of Turner syndrome
LJ Massingham, KL Johnson, TM Scholl, DK Slonim, HC Wick, ...
Human genetics 133, 1075-1082, 2014
Assessing the fetal effects of maternal obesity via transcriptomic analysis of cord blood: a prospective case–control study
AG Edlow, L Hui, HC Wick, I Fried, DW Bianchi
BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 123 (2), 180-189, 2016
Novel neurodevelopmental information revealed in amniotic fluid supernatant transcripts from fetuses with trisomies 18 and 21
L Hui, DK Slonim, HC Wick, KL Johnson, K Koide, DW Bianchi
Human genetics 131, 1751-1759, 2012
The fetal brain transcriptome and neonatal behavioral phenotype in the Ts1Cje mouse model of Down syndrome
F Guedj, JLA Pennings, MA Ferres, LC Graham, HC Wick, KA Miczek, ...
American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A 167 (9), 1993-2008, 2015
Optimal techniques for mRNA extraction from neonatal salivary supernatant
JA Dietz, KL Johnson, HC Wick, DW Bianchi, JL Maron
Neonatology 101 (1), 55-60, 2011
Global gene expression analysis of term amniotic fluid cell-free fetal RNA
L Hui, HC Wick, AG Edlow, JM Cowan, DW Bianchi
Obstetrics & Gynecology 121 (6), 1248-1254, 2013
Comprehensive analysis of genes expressed by rare microchimeric fetal cells in the maternal mouse lung
S Pritchard, HC Wick, DK Slonim, KL Johnson, DW Bianchi
Biology of reproduction 87 (2), 42, 1-6, 2012
Analysis of Adult Cerebral Cortex and Hippocampus Transcriptomes Reveals Unique Molecular Changes in the Ts1Cje Mouse Model of D own Syndrome
F Guedj, JLA Pennings, HC Wick, DW Bianchi
Brain pathology 25 (1), 11-23, 2015
Global gene expression analysis of amniotic fluid cell‐free RNA from recipient twins with twin–twin transfusion syndrome
L Hui, HC Wick, KJ Moise Jr, A Johnson, F Luks, S Haeri, KL Johnson, ...
Prenatal diagnosis 33 (9), 873-883, 2013
RNA‐Seq and expression microarray highlight different aspects of the fetal amniotic fluid transcriptome
LM Zwemer, L Hui, HC Wick, DW Bianchi
Prenatal diagnosis 34 (10), 1006-1014, 2014
DFLAT: functional annotation for human development
HC Wick, H Drabkin, H Ngu, M Sackman, C Fournier, J Haggett, JA Blake, ...
BMC bioinformatics 15, 1-10, 2014
The pathway not taken: understanding ‘omics data in the perinatal context
AG Edlow, DK Slonim, HC Wick, L Hui, DW Bianchi
American journal of obstetrics and gynecology 213 (1), 59. e1-59. e172, 2015
Finding novel molecular connections between developmental processes and disease
J Park, HC Wick, DE Kee, K Noto, JL Maron, DK Slonim
PLoS computational biology 10 (5), e1003578, 2014
Csax: Characterizing systematic anomalies in expression data
K Noto, S Majidi, AG Edlow, HC Wick, DW Bianchi, DK Slonim
Journal of Computational Biology 22 (5), 402-413, 2015
Global transcriptome dysregulation in second trimester fetuses with FMR1 expansions
LM Zwemer, SL Nolin, PM Okamoto, M Eisenberg, HC Wick, DW Bianchi
Prenatal diagnosis 37 (1), 43-52, 2017
104: Term fetuses of obese women show gene expression consistent with neurodegeneration and metabolic dysregulation
A Edlow, L Hui, H Wick, D Bianchi
American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 210 (1), S66, 2014
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Articles 1–20