Elizabeth Theron
Elizabeth Theron
Associate professor, Dept of Civil Eng, Central University of Technology Free State
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Stabilization of expansive soils using mechanical and chemical methods: a comprehensive review
AA Fondjo, E Theron, RP Ray
Civ Eng Archit 9 (5), 1295-1308, 2021
Integrating and updating of SAPWAT and PLANWAT to create a powerful and userfriendly irrigation planning tool
PS Van Heerden, CT Crosby, B Grové, N Benadé, E Theron, RE Schulze, ...
Water Research Commission Report No. TT 391 (08), 2009
Physical modeling of catchment area by rapid prototyping using GIS data
S Agrawal, JP Antunes, E Theron, M Truscott, DJ De Beer
Rapid Prototyping Journal 12 (2), 78-85, 2006
Integrating and upgrading of SAPWAT and PLANWAT to create a powerful and user-friendly irrigation water planning tool
PS Van Heerden, CT Crosby, B Grové, N Benadé, E Theron, RE Schulze, ...
Program version 1, 140, 2008
Investigation of the influencing soil parameters on the air entry values in soil-water characteristic curve of compacted heaving soils
AA Fondjo, E Theron, RP Ray
Architecture 9 (1), 91-114, 2021
Lime cake as an alternative stabiliser for loose clayey loams
A Assadi Langroudi, S Ghadr, E Theron, SA Oderinde, EM Katsipatakis
International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering 5, 1-13, 2019
Assessment of various methods to measure the soil suction
AA Fondjo, E Theron, RP Ray
Int. J. Eng. Technol. Explor. Eng 9, 171-184, 2020
Shortcomings in the estimation of clay fraction by hydrometer
P Stott, E Theron
Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering 58 (2), 14-24, 2016
Estimation of optimum moisture content and maximum dry unit weight of fine-grained soils using numerical methods
Walailak Journal of Science and Technology (WJST) 18 (16), 22792 (22 pages …, 2021
Models for predicting the suction of heaving compacted soils using geotechnical properties
AA Fondjo, E Theron, RP Ray
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 727 (1), 012016, 2021
Application of mathematical function to estimate the compaction characteristics of unsaturated soils
AA Fondjo, E Theron
Civ. Eng. Architect 9, 255-62, 2021
Some shortcomings in the standard South African testing procedures for assessing heaving clay
PR Stott, E Theron
Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering 57 (2), 36-44, 2015
Integrating and upgrading of SAPWAT and PLANWAT to create a powerful and user-friendly irrigation water planning tool, program version 1.0
PS Van Heerden, CT Crosby, B Grové, N Benadé, E Theron, RE Schulze, ...
Report to the Water Research Commision. Report no. TT 391 (08), 2008
Semi-empirical model for predicting the swelling stress of compacted, unsaturated expansive soils
AA Fondjo, E Theron, RP Ray
Civil Engineering and Architecture 9 (1), 225-239, 2021
Evaluation of the Aardvark constant head soil permeameter to predict saturated hydraulic conductivity
E Theron, PAL Le Roux, M Hensley, L Van Rensburg
WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 134, 153-162, 2010
Assessment of the mineral composition of heaving soils using geotechnical properties
AA Fondjo, E Theron
Civil Engineering and Architecture 8 (4), 619-631, 2020
Automated soil classification and identification using machine vision
M Van Rooyen, N Luwes, E Theron
2017 Pattern Recognition Association of South Africa and Robotics and …, 2017
Assessment of reliability of the hydrometer by examination of sediment
PK Monye, PR Stott, E Theron
Bloemfontein: Central University of Technology, Free State, 2016
Impact of rainwater harvesting on catchment hydrology: case study of the Modder River basin, South Africa
E Pretorius, YE Woyessa, SW Slabbert, S Tetsoane
WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 80, 2005
The application of SAPWAT model in irrigation water management planning for the Sand-Vet irrigation scheme: contribution towards an integrated catchment management system
YE Woyessa, E Pretorius, P Van Heerden
Proc. of the 2004 Water Institute of Southern Africa (WISA), Biennial Conf …, 2004
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Articles 1–20