Peter Bednar
Peter Bednar
School of Computing, University of Portsmouth, UK and Dept of Informatics, Lund University, Sweden
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Socio-technical perspectives on smart working: Creating meaningful and sustainable systems
PM Bednar, C Welch
Information Systems Frontiers 22 (2), 281-298, 2020
A contextual integration of individual and organizational learning perspectives as part of IS analysis
P Bednar
Informing Science: the International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline …, 2000
It is not my job: exploring the disconnect between corporate security policies and actual security practices in SMEs
M Sadok, S Alter, P Bednar
Information & Computer Security 28 (3), 467-483, 2020
A cyber-crime investigation framework
V Katos, PM Bednar
Computer Standards & Interfaces 30 (4), 223-228, 2008
Bias, misinformation and the paradox of neutrality
P Bednar, C Welch
Informing Science: the International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline …, 2008
Contextual inquiry and requirements shaping
PM Bednar, C Welch
Information Systems Development: Challenges in Practice, Theory, and …, 2008
Individual emergence in contextual analysis
P Bednar
Systemica 14 (1-6), 23-38, 2007
The perception of the benefits and drawbacks of internet usage by the elderly people
D Hussain, P Ross, P Bednar
Digital technology and organizational change: reshaping technology, people …, 2018
Virtual personal assistant
P Imrie, P Bednar
ItAIS 2013. The 10th Conference of the Italian Chapter of AIS, 2013
A Double Helix Metaphor for Use and Usefulness in Informing Systems’
P Bednar, C Welch
Informing Science: The International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline …, 2007
ICT for development in Tunisia:“Going the last mile”
M Sadok, R Chatta, P Bednar
Technology in Society 46, 63-69, 2016
IS, process, organizational change and their relationship with contextual dependencies
PM Bednar, C Welsh
ECIS 2005 Proceedings, 131, 2005
SSD: New challenges for digital forensics
P Bednar, V Katos
ItAIS 2011, Proceedings of the 8th Conference of the Italian Chapter of the …, 2011
A socio-technical perspective to counter cyber-enabled industrial espionage
M Sadok, C Welch, P Bednar
Security Journal 33 (1), 27-42, 2020
Critical systemic thinking as a foundation for information systems research practice
PM Bednar, C Welch
Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 10 (3), 144-155, 2012
Contextual analysis: A multiperspective inquiry into emergence of complex socio-cultural systems
PM Bednar
Processes of emergence of systems and systemic properties: Towards a general …, 2009
Incentive and desire: covering a missing category
P Bednar, C Welch
MCIS2006: Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems, x1-x10, 2006
Contextual inquiry and socio-technical practice
P Bednar, CE Welch
Kybernetes 43 (9/10), 1310-1318, 2014
Cyber-crime investigations: Complex collaborative decision making
PM Bednar, V Katos, C Hennell
2008 Third International Annual Workshop on Digital Forensics and Incident …, 2008
Using mixed methods for addressing researcher’s safety in a conflict area: an innovative use of mixed methods research in Zimbabwe
S Takavarasha Jr, P Bednar, C Adams
Int. Journal of Mixed Methods in Applied Business and Policy Research 1 (1 …, 2011
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Articles 1–20