Michael SW Lee
Michael SW Lee
The University of Auckland Business School
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Cited by
Anti-consumption and brand avoidance
MSW Lee, J Motion, D Conroy
Journal of Business Research 62 (2), 169-180, 2009
Anti-consumption as the study of reasons against
A Chatzidakis, MSW Lee
Journal of Macromarketing 33 (3), 190-203, 2013
Intentional non-consumption for sustainability: consumer resistance and/or anti-consumption?
H Cherrier, I Black, MSW Lee
European Journal of Marketing 45 (11/12), 1757-1767, 2011
Anti-consumption: An overview and research agenda
MSW Lee, KV Fernandez, MR Hyman
Journal of Business Research 62 (2), 145-147, 2009
Anti-consumption, Materialism, and Consumer well-being
MSW Lee, CSY Ahn
Journal of Consumer Affairs 50 (1), 18-47, 2016
Anti-consumption and consumer resistance: concepts, concerns, conflicts and convergence
M Lee, D Roux, H Cherrier, B Cova
European Journal of Marketing 45 (11/12), 2011
Brand avoidance: A negative promises perspective.
MSW Lee, D Conroy, J Motion
Advances in consumer research 36, 2009
Prepurchase determinants of brand avoidance: The moderating role of country-of-origin familiarity
MA Khan, MSW Lee
Journal of Global Marketing 27 (5), 329-343, 2014
Don’t read this; or, who cares what the hell anti‐consumption is, anyways?
RV Kozinets, JM Handelman, MSW Lee
Consumption, Markets and Culture 13 (3), 225-233, 2010
Countering negative country of origin effects using Imagery Processing
B Martin, MSW Lee, C Lacey
Journal of Consumer Behaviour 10, 80-92, 2011
Hypocrisy, skepticism, and reputation: the mediating role of corporate social responsibility
D Arli, P Van Esch, G Northey, MSW Lee, R Dimitriu
Marketing Intelligence & Planning 37 (6), 706-720, 2019
A sustainable pathway to consumer wellbeing. The role of anticonsumption and consumer empowerment
I Balderjahn, MSW Lee, B Seegebarth, M Peyer
Journal of Consumer Affairs 54 (2), 456-488, 2020
Condoms and bananas: Shock advertising explained through congruence theory
MSW Lee, F Septianto, C Frethey-Bentham, E Gao
Journal of retailing and consumer services 57, 102228, 2020
A systematic review of food loss and waste in China: Quantity, impacts and mediators
C Li, P Bremer, MK Harder, MSW Lee, K Parker, EC Gaugler, M Mirosa
Journal of environmental management 303, 114092, 2022
Consume Less and Be Happy? Consume Less to Be Happy! An Introduction to the Special Issue on Anti-Consumption and Consumer Well-Being
S Hoffmann, MSW Lee
Journal of Consumer Affairs 50 (1), 3-17, 2016
Brand Avoidance, Genetic Modification, and Brandlessness
MSW Lee, D Conroy, J Motion
Australasian Marketing Journal 20 (4), 297-302, 2012
Boycott them! No, boycott this! Do choice overload and small‐agent rationalization inhibit the signing of anti‐consumption petitions?
U Yuksel, NT Thai, MSW Lee
Psychology & Marketing 37 (2), 340-354, 2020
Emotional responses to plastic waste: Matching image and message framing in encouraging consumers to reduce plastic consumption
F Septianto, MSW Lee
Australasian Marketing Journal 28 (1), 18-29, 2020
Anti‐consumption beyond boundaries: From niche topic to global phenomena
MSW Lee, JM Ortega Egea, N García de Frutos
Psychology & Marketing 37 (2), 171-176, 2020
Anti-consumption and governance in the global fashion industry: Transparency is key
MSW Lee, M Seifert, H Cherrier
Governing corporate social responsibility in the apparel industry after Rana …, 2017
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Articles 1–20