Caijun Zhong
Caijun Zhong
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Cited by
Application of smart antenna technologies in simultaneous wireless information and power transfer
Z Ding, C Zhong, DWK Ng, M Peng, HA Suraweera, R Schober, HV Poor
IEEE Communications Magazine 53 (4), 86-93, 2015
Wireless information and power transfer with full duplex relaying
C Zhong, HA Suraweera, G Zheng, I Krikidis, Z Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Communications 62 (10), 3447-3461, 2014
Non-orthogonal multiple access with cooperative full-duplex relaying
C Zhong, Z Zhang
IEEE Communications Letters 20 (12), 2478-2481, 2016
Ergodic capacity analysis of amplify-and-forward MIMO dual-hop systems
S Jin, MR McKay, C Zhong, KK Wong
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 56 (5), 2204-2224, 2010
Performance analysis of intelligent reflecting surface aided communication systems
Q Tao, J Wang, C Zhong
IEEE Communications Letters 24 (11), 2464-2468, 2020
Dual-hop systems with noisy relay and interference-limited destination
C Zhong, S Jin, KK Wong
IEEE Transactions on Communications 58 (3), 764-768, 2010
Joint spectrum and power allocation for D2D communications underlaying cellular networks
R Yin, C Zhong, G Yu, Z Zhang, KK Wong, X Chen
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 65 (4), 2182-2195, 2015
Outage Analysis of Decode-and-Forward Cognitive Dual-Hop Systems With the Interference Constraint in Nakagami- Fading Channels
C Zhong, T Ratnarajah, KK Wong
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 60 (6), 2875-2879, 2011
On the performance of eigenvalue-based cooperative spectrum sensing for cognitive radio
A Kortun, T Ratnarajah, M Sellathurai, C Zhong, CB Papadias
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 5 (1), 49-55, 2010
Deep learning for spectrum sensing
J Gao, X Yi, C Zhong, X Chen, Z Zhang
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 8 (6), 1727-1730, 2019
Unsupervised learning for passive beamforming
J Gao, C Zhong, X Chen, H Lin, Z Zhang
ieee communications letters 24 (5), 1052-1056, 2020
Throughput analysis and optimization of wireless-powered multiple antenna full-duplex relay systems
M Mohammadi, BK Chalise, HA Suraweera, C Zhong, G Zheng, I Krikidis
IEEE Transactions on communications 64 (4), 1769-1785, 2016
Location information aided multiple intelligent reflecting surface systems
X Hu, C Zhong, Y Zhang, X Chen, Z Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Communications 68 (12), 7948-7962, 2020
Wireless information and power transfer in relay systems with multiple antennas and interference
G Zhu, C Zhong, HA Suraweera, GK Karagiannidis, Z Zhang, TA Tsiftsis
IEEE Transactions on Communications 63 (4), 1400-1418, 2015
Wireless-powered communications: Performance analysis and optimization
C Zhong, X Chen, Z Zhang, GK Karagiannidis
IEEE Transactions on Communications 63 (12), 5178-5190, 2015
Sum-rate and power scaling of massive MIMO systems with channel aging
C Kong, C Zhong, AK Papazafeiropoulos, M Matthaiou, Z Zhang
IEEE transactions on communications 63 (12), 4879-4893, 2015
Multi-antenna relay aided wireless physical layer security
X Chen, C Zhong, C Yuen, HH Chen
IEEE Communications Magazine 53 (12), 40-46, 2015
Sum rate analysis of ZF receivers in distributed MIMO systems
M Matthaiou, C Zhong, MR McKay, T Ratnarajah
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 31 (2), 180-191, 2013
RIS-assisted multi-user MISO communications exploiting statistical CSI
X Gan, C Zhong, C Huang, Z Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Communications 69 (10), 6781-6792, 2021
Fully non-orthogonal communication for massive access
X Chen, Z Zhang, C Zhong, R Jia, DWK Ng
IEEE Transactions on Communications 66 (4), 1717-1731, 2017
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Articles 1–20