Miao Zhao
Miao Zhao
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
在 cqu.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证
Mechanical and energy absorption characteristics of additively manufactured functionally graded sheet lattice structures with minimal surfaces
M Zhao, DZ Zhang, F Liu, Z Li, Z Ma, Z Ren
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 167, 105262, 2020
Improved mechanical properties and energy absorption of BCC lattice structures with triply periodic minimal surfaces fabricated by SLM
M Zhao, F Liu, G Fu, DZ Zhang, T Zhang, H Zhou
Materials 11 (12), 2411, 2018
Sheet and network based functionally graded lattice structures manufactured by selective laser melting: Design, mechanical properties, and simulation
H Zhou, M Zhao, Z Ma, DZ Zhang, G Fu
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 175, 105480, 2020
Mechanical properties of optimized diamond lattice structure for bone scaffolds fabricated via selective laser melting
F Liu, DZ Zhang, P Zhang, M Zhao, S Jafar
Materials 11 (3), 374, 2018
Mechanical properties of AlSi10Mg lattice structures fabricated by selective laser melting
Z Li, Y Nie, B Liu, Z Kuai, M Zhao, F Liu
Materials & Design 192, 108709, 2020
Lattice structures of Cu-Cr-Zr copper alloy by selective laser melting: Microstructures, mechanical properties and energy absorption
Z Ma, DZ Zhang, F Liu, J Jiang, M Zhao, T Zhang
Materials & Design 187, 108406, 2020
Design, mechanical properties, and optimization of BCC lattice structures with taper struts
M Zhao, DZ Zhang, Z Li, T Zhang, H Zhou, Z Ren
Composite Structures 295, 115830, 2022
TPMS-based interpenetrating lattice structures: design, mechanical properties and multiscale optimization
M Zhao, X Li, DZ Zhang, W Zhai
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 244, 108092, 2023
High-fidelity modelling of selective laser melting copper alloy: laser reflection behavior and thermal-fluid dynamics
Z Ren, DZ Zhang, G Fu, J Jiang, M Zhao
Materials & Design, 109857, 2021
Additively manufactured continuous cell-size gradient porous scaffolds: Pore characteristics, mechanical properties and biological responses in vitro
F Liu, Q Ran, M Zhao, T Zhang, DZ Zhang, Z Su
Materials 13 (11), 2589, 2020
Multilevel bioinspired microlattice with broadband soundabsorption capabilities and deformationtolerant compressive response
X Li, X Yu, M Zhao, Z Li, Z Wang, W Zhai
Advanced Functional Materials 33 (2), 2210160, 2023
Design and mechanical performances of a novel functionally graded sheet-based lattice structure
M Zhao, B Ji, DZ Zhang, H Li, H Zhou
Additive Manufacturing 52, 102676, 2022
Design, mechanical properties and optimization of lattice structures with hollow prismatic struts
M Zhao, X Li, DZ Zhang, W Zhai
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 238, 107842, 2023
3DPrinted Lattice Structures for Sound Absorption: Current Progress, Mechanisms and Models, StructuralProperty Relationships, and Future Outlook
X Li, JW Chua, X Yu, Z Li, M Zhao, Z Wang, W Zhai
Advanced Science 11 (4), 2305232, 2024
Geometry effect on mechanical properties and elastic isotropy optimization of bamboo-inspired lattice structures
M Zhao, X Li, DZ Zhang, W Zhai
Additive Manufacturing 64, 103438, 2023
Mechanical and energy absorption properties of functionally graded lattice structures based on minimal curved surfaces
X Ma, DZ Zhang, M Zhao, J Jiang, F Luo, H Zhou
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 1-14, 2022
Experimental study on the thermal storage performance of phase change materials embedded with additively manufactured triply periodic minimal surface architected lattices
T Zhang, X Deng, M Zhao, H Zhou, DZ Zhang
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 199, 123452, 2022
Multifunctional and customizable lattice structures for simultaneous sound insulation and structural applications
X Li, M Zhao, X Yu, JW Chua, Y Yang, KM Lim, W Zhai
Materials & Design 234, 112354, 2023
Numerical study on the anisotropy in thermo-fluid behavior of triply periodic minimal surfaces (TPMS)
T Zhang, F Liu, K Zhang, M Zhao, H Zhou, DZ Zhang
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 215, 124541, 2023
Enhanced energy-absorbing and sound-absorbing capability of functionally graded and helicoidal lattice structures with triply periodic minimal surfaces
M Zhao, Z Li, JW Chua, CH Lim, X Li
International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials 30 (10), 1973-1985, 2023
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