Benjamin Herazo
Benjamin Herazo
Research Associate, Faculty Environmental Design, University of Montreal
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Cited by
Relationships between construction clients and participants of the building industry: Structures and mechanisms of coordination and communication
M de Blois, B Herazo, I Latunova, G Lizarralde
Architectural Engineering and Design Management 7 (1), 3-22, 2011
Understanding stakeholders’ approaches to sustainability in building projects
B Herazo, G Lizarralde
Sustainable Cities and Society 26, 240-254, 2016
Sustainable development in the building sector: A Canadian case study on the alignment of strategic and tactical management
B Herazo, G Lizarralde, R Paquin
Project Management Journal 43 (2), 84-100, 2012
The influence of green building certifications in collaboration and innovation processes
B Herazo, G Lizarralde
Construction management and economics 33 (4), 279-298, 2015
Does climate change cause disasters? How citizens, academics, and leaders explain climate-related risk and disasters in Latin America and the Caribbean
G Lizarralde, L Bornstein, M Robertson, K Gould, B Herazo, AM Petter, ...
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 58, 102173, 2021
The language of risk and the risk of language: Mismatches in risk response in Cuban coastal villages
E Aragón-Duran, G Lizarralde, G González-Camacho, A Olivera-Ranero, ...
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 50, 101712, 2020
We said, they said: The politics of conceptual frameworks in disasters and climate change in Colombia and Latin America
G Lizarralde, H Páez, A Lopez, O Lopez, L Bornstein, K Gould, B Herazo, ...
Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal 29 (6), 909-928, 2020
Coping with Disasters in Small Municipalities: Women’s Role in the Reconstruction of Salgar, Colombia
H Páez, J Diaz, G Lizarralde, D Labbé, B Herazo
Trialo g 134, 9-13, 2019
Perfil y competencias profesionales del odontólogo en Colombia
B Herazo
Min salud, 2013
Valle del Río Cimitarra: hacia una propuesta de manejo sostenible del bosque
C Devia, B Herazo
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2003
Limits and scope of innovation and collaboration in integrated design practices
R Leoto, B Herazo, G Lizarralde
XXV International Union of Architects World Congress, 500-514, 2014
Collaboration and innovation in the early phases of projects of architecture and urban design
G Lizarralde, B Herazo, M de Blois
10th Conference of the International Research Network on Organising by …, 2011
Artefacts of disaster risk reduction: conceptualizing bottom-up initiatives of climate action in informal settlements
G Lizarralde, B Herazo, D Smith, L Bornstein, K Gould, E Monsalve, ...
Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal, 2024
The problem of doing more: success and paradoxes in scaling up informal initiatives for disaster risk reduction and climate action
G Lizarralde, L Bornstein, B Herazo, R Burdiles, C Araneda, ...
Canadian Journal of Development Studies/Revue canadienne d'études du …, 2022
The politics of land management after disasters: the case of post-earthquake reconstruction in Türkiye
F Özdoğan, G Lizarralde, B Herazo
Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal 33 (5), 535-560, 2024
The influence of sustainability in project management practices in the building sector
B Herazo
Université de Montréal, 2018
¿ Es la arquitectura responsable del calentamiento global?
B Herazo, J Jaramillo
Revista Javeriana, 22-29, 2007
Beyond fear: The role of emotions in disaster risk reduction in the face of climate change
G Lizarralde, S Lajoie, K Gould, C Araneda, I Cruz-Panesso, JH Diaz, ...
Emotion, Space and Society 54, 101054, 2025
Imported Project Management Practices in Developing Countries: The Problem of Insufficient Adaptation to Local Project Governance Systems in the Construction Sector
G Lizarralde, H Páez, B Herazo
Building a Body of Knowledge in Project Management in Developing Countries …, 2023
El rol de las alianzas sociales en el proceso de reconstrucción en Salgar, Colombia
JH Díaz-Ramírez, HJ Páez-Martínez, G Lizarralde, B Herazo
Letras Verdes, Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Socioambientales, 115-134, 2022
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Articles 1–20