Augustine Pang
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Cited by
Toward a publics-driven, emotion-based conceptualization in crisis communication: Unearthing dominant emotions in multi-staged testing of the integrated crisis mapping (ICM) model
Y Jin, A Pang, GT Cameron
Journal of public relations research 24 (3), 266-298, 2012
Integrated crisis mapping: Toward a publics-based, emotion-driven conceptualization in crisis communication
Y Jin, A Pang, GT Cameron
Sphera Publica, 81-95, 2007
Crisis communication and image repair discourse
WL Benoit, A Pang
Pearson Allyn & Bacon, 2008
Building relationships through integrated online media: Global organizations’ use of brand web sites, Facebook, and Twitter
W Shin, A Pang, HJ Kim
Journal of Business and Technical Communication 29 (2), 184-220, 2015
Negotiating crisis in the social media environment: Evolution of crises online, gaining credibility offline
A Pang, N Begam Binte Abul Hassan, A Chee Yang Chong
Corporate communications: An international journal 19 (1), 96-118, 2014
New media: a new medium in escalating crises?
JSA Mei, N Bansal, A Pang
Corporate Communications: An International Journal 15 (2), 143-155, 2010
Building relationships through dialogic communication: Organizations, stakeholders, and computer-mediated communication
A Pang, W Shin, Z Lew, JB Walther
Journal of Marketing Communications 24 (1), 68-82, 2018
Managing a nation's image during crisis: A study of the Chinese government's image repair efforts in the “Made in China” controversy
C Peijuan, LP Ting, A Pang
Public Relations Review 35 (3), 213-218, 2009
Crisis leadership: when should the CEO step up?
M Lucero, A Tan Teng Kwang, A Pang
Corporate Communications: An International Journal 14 (3), 234-248, 2009
The role of emotions in crisis responses: Inaugural test of the integrated crisis mapping (ICM) model
Y Jin, A Pang, GT Cameron
Corporate Communications: An International Journal 15 (4), 428-452, 2010
Building effective relations with social media influencers in Singapore
A Pang, E Yingzhi Tan, R Song-Qi Lim, T Yue-Ming Kwan, ...
Media Asia 43 (1), 56-68, 2016
Future directions of crisis communication research: Emotions in crisis–The next frontier
Y Jin, A Pang
The handbook of crisis communication, 677-682, 2010
Contingency theory: Strategic management of conflict in public relations
Pearson Allyn & Bacon, 2007
Contingency theory of strategic conflict management: Directions for the practice of crisis communication from a decade of theory development, discovery and dialogue
A Pang, Y Jin, G CAMERON
Wiley-Blackwell, 2010
Bridging the gap: An exploratory study of corporate social responsibility among SMEs in Singapore
MH Lee, AK Mak, A Pang
Journal of Public Relations Research 24 (4), 299-317, 2012
Interactivity in online chat: Conversational contingency and response latency in computer-mediated communication
Z Lew, JB Walther, A Pang, W Shin
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 23 (4), 201-221, 2018
Strategic communication in crisis governance: Analysis of the Singapore management of the SARS crisis
Y Jin, A Pang, GT Cameron
The Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies 23 (1), 81-104, 2006
Corporate crisis planning: Tensions, issues, and contradictions
A Pang, F Cropp, GT Cameron
Journal of Communication Management 10 (4), 371-389, 2006
Social media hype in times of crises: Nature, characteristics and impact on organizations
A Pang
Asia Pacific Media Educator 23 (2), 309-336, 2013
Communicating crisis: How culture influences image repair in Western and Asian governments
Y Siew‐Yoong Low, J Varughese, A Pang
Corporate Communications: An International Journal 16 (3), 218-242, 2011
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Articles 1–20