Thomas Prellberg
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Cited by
Flat histogram version of the pruned and enriched Rosenbluth method
T Prellberg, J Krawczyk
Physical review letters 92 (12), 120602, 2004
Maps of intervals with indifferent fixed points: thermodynamic formalism and phase transitions
T Prellberg, J Slawny
Journal of Statistical Physics 66, 503-514, 1992
Critical exponents from nonlinear functional equations for partially directed cluster models
T Prellberg, R Brak
Journal of statistical physics 78, 701-730, 1995
New scaling form for the collapsed polymer phase
AL Owczarek, T Prellberg, R Brak
Physical review letters 70 (7), 951, 1993
Uniform q-series asymptotics for staircase polygons
T Prellberg
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 28 (5), 1289, 1995
Layering transitions for adsorbing polymers in poor solvents
J Krawczyk, AL Owczarek, T Prellberg, A Rechnitzer
Europhysics Letters 70 (6), 726, 2005
A scaling theory of the collapse transition in geometric cluster models of polymers and vesicles
R Brak, AL Owczarek, T Prellberg
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 26 (18), 4565, 1993
Viscoelastic depinning of driven systems: Mean-field plastic scallops
MC Marchetti, AA Middleton, T Prellberg
Physical Review Letters 85 (5), 1104, 2000
Exact solution of the discrete (1+ 1)-dimensional SOS model with field and surface interactions
AL Owczarek, T Prellberg
journal of Statistical Physics 70, 1175-1194, 1993
Scaling of self-avoiding walks and self-avoiding trails in three dimensions
T Prellberg
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 34 (43), L599, 2001
Staircase polygons, elliptic integrals, Heun functions, and lattice Green functions
AJ Guttmann, T Prellberg
Physical Review E 47 (4), R2233, 1993
The collapse point of interacting trails in two dimensions from kinetic growth simulations
AL Owczarek, T Prellberg
Journal of statistical physics 79, 951-967, 1995
Manhattan lattice Theta-point exponents from kinetic growth walks and exact results from the Nienhuis O (n) model
T Prellberg, AL Owczarek
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 27 (6), 1811, 1994
Partially directed paths in a wedge
EJJ Van Rensburg, T Prellberg, A Rechnitzer
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 115 (4), 623-650, 2008
Towards a complete determination of the spectrum of a transfer operator associated with intermittency
T Prellberg
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 36 (10), 2455, 2003
Forcing adsorption of a tethered polymer by pulling
J Osborn, T Prellberg
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2010 (09), P09018, 2010
The tricritical behavior of self-interacting partially directed walks
AL Owczarek, T Prellberg, R Brak
Journal of statistical physics 72, 737-772, 1993
A self-interacting partially directed walk subject to a force
R Brak, P Dyke, J Lee, AL Owczarek, T Prellberg, A Rechnitzer, ...
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 42 (8), 085001, 2009
Stretching of a chain polymer adsorbed at a surface
J Krawczyk, T Prellberg, AL Owczarek, A Rechnitzer
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2004 (10), P10004, 2004
Four-dimensional polymer collapse: pseudo-first-order transition in interacting self-avoiding walks
T Prellberg, AL Owczarek
Physical Review E 62 (3), 3780, 2000
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Articles 1–20