Thomas Jansen
Cited by
Cited by
On the analysis of the (1+ 1) evolutionary algorithm
S Droste, T Jansen, I Wegener
Theoretical Computer Science 276 (1-2), 51-81, 2002
Upper and lower bounds for randomized search heuristics in black-box optimization
S Droste, T Jansen, I Wegener
Theory of computing systems 39 (4), 525-544, 2006
Analyzing evolutionary algorithms: The computer science perspective
T Jansen
Springer, 2013
On the choice of the offspring population size in evolutionary algorithms
T Jansen, KAD Jong, I Wegener
Evolutionary Computation 13 (4), 413-440, 2005
Real royal road functions—where crossover provably is essential
T Jansen, I Wegener
Discrete applied mathematics 149 (1), 111-125, 2005
The analysis of evolutionary algorithms—A proof that crossover really can help
Jansen, Wegener
Algorithmica 34, 47-66, 2002
Optimization with randomized search heuristics--the (A) NFL theorem, realistic scenarios, and difficult functions
S Droste, T Jansen, I Wegener
Theoretical Computer Science 287 (1), 131-144, 2002
A rigorous complexity analysis of the (1+ 1) evolutionary algorithm for separable functions with Boolean inputs
S Droste, T Jansen, I Wegener
Evolutionary Computation 6 (2), 185-196, 1998
A rigorous complexity analysis of the (1+ 1) evolutionary algorithm for separable functions with Boolean inputs
S Droste, T Jansen, I Wegener
Evolutionary Computation 6 (2), 185-196, 1998
Evolutionary algorithms-how to cope with plateaus of constant fitness and when to reject strings of the same fitness
T Jansen, I Wegener
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 5 (6), 589-599, 2001
Perhaps not a free lunch but at least a free appetizer
S Droste, T Jansen, I Wegener
Proceedings of the 1st Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary …, 1999
The cooperative coevolutionary (1+ 1) EA
T Jansen, RP Wiegand
Evolutionary Computation 12 (4), 405-434, 2004
A building-block royal road where crossover is provably essential
RA Watson, T Jansen
Proceedings of the 9th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary …, 2007
On the analysis of evolutionary algorithms—a proof that crossover really can help
T Jansen, I Wegener
European Symposium on Algorithms, 184-193, 1999
On the optimization of unimodal functions with the (1+ 1) evolutionary algorithm
S Droste, T Jansen, I Wegener
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature—PPSN V: 5th International Conference …, 1998
Mutation rate matters even when optimizing monotonic functions
B Doerr, T Jansen, D Sudholt, C Winzen, C Zarges
Evolutionary computation 21 (1), 1-27, 2013
A New Framework for the Valuation of Algorithms for Black-Box-Optimization
S Droste, T Jansen, I Wegener
FOGA 3, 253-270, 2002
On the choice of the mutation probability for the (1+ 1) EA
T Jansen, I Wegener
International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, 89-98, 2000
Performance analysis of randomised search heuristics operating with a fixed budget
T Jansen, C Zarges
Theoretical Computer Science 545, 39-58, 2014
On classifications of fitness functions
T Jansen
Theoretical aspects of evolutionary computing, 371-385, 2001
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Articles 1–20